My buddy shot a monster…BUT

  • Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    I’ve got a good buddy who’s a hard core hunter. He’s got 4 on the wall in the 160 class range so when he calls me last night and tells me that he shot a giant – i’m bound to believe him.

    To cut to the point, the deer crossed into the neighbors land and the neighbor won’t allow him to retrieve the deer.

    He said he was going to call him again this morning and try to work something out, but it doesn’t look good. I’ll keep you posted if anything changes…

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Call the local conservation officer. These things usually don’t get settled well and you don’t want to do anything illegal.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Unreal! Crap like that just makes me sick! Why wouldn’t a person ever let someone retrieve an animal? It just doesn’t make sense to me! Obviously this is jealous that your buddy got to shoot him or something. Like Scott said, get the CO involved!

    sunrise mn
    Posts: 542


    Call the local conservation officer. These things usually don’t get settled well and you don’t want to do anything illegal.

    I agree 100 percent. I have some property that that is the only way to go about something like that.

    You have the right to track game on other peoples property. I am not exactly sure all of the laws on that but I think you have to be unarmed and the person that shot it can be the only one on the other property. I hope someone will correct me on this.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    I know he was planning on calling him (CO)this morning….

    Posts: 10



    Call the local conservation officer. These things usually don’t get settled well and you don’t want to do anything illegal.

    I agree 100 percent. I have some property that that is the only way to go about something like that.

    You have the right to track game on other peoples property. I am not exactly sure all of the laws on that but I think you have to be unarmed and the person that shot it can be the only one on the other property. I hope someone will correct me on this.

    I had the same thing happen 4-5yrs ago and the land owner DOES NOT have to let you on. I called the local CO and he showed up and said the same thing. In my case the co talked the land owner into letting me go in and get my deer but it took some talking. Good luck.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    i have a quick question…since its legal to go onto other peoples property to retrieve game in the state of MN, why do people go and ask the land owner if they can go on their property to retrieve it?? I understand that some consider it the right thing to do, but when this happens in your case, thats when tempers fly and incidences happen….

    Marion, IA
    Posts: 65

    MN and WI law must differ from Iowa law in this situation. In IA, you have the right to track/recover game UNARMED on anyone’s property.

    Hopefully the CO gets involved and your buddy can recover his trophy. It’s a shame to think that it rotted over night with the warm temperatures due to someone’s ingorance.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    I would think wanton waste could come into play…. If it is not posted in MN, you can retrieve without firearm/bow, without permission. the rules just say, it’s best to “ask first”. I’d agree 99% of the time, but when you run into an azzhole, he’s your 1% I hope it works out for your buddy

    big G

    Posts: 65

    that sucks i hope the guy lets him in. unfortunatly in wisconsin landowners dont have to let you in and the warden or county sherrif cant do any thing about it. that is deffinetly one law that should be changed.

    Mayer, MN
    Posts: 100

    Any word yet? Man what a shame.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    Slop, if you guys need some help ‘persuading’ or recovering by night, let me know.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I’m not as current as I should be and I get my states mixed up from time to time, but I believe you have the right to retrieve downed game or your dog with out weapon in posession until you are asked to leave the proprerty. Then you need to get your CO involved. In this case I would just get the CO.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Well – just got an email from Phil and talked to him…I’ve edited out some of the names…..but you get the idea…

    Sent: Tuesday, November 4, 2008 12:51:28 PM
    Subject: No Buck
    Thanks for your guys help last night, and sorry it turned into such a fiasco. Never in a million years did I think that guy would act that way. I figured it would be a short blood trail ending either on the land I was hunting on (XXXXX) or Gary’s XXXXX land and we would be in and out of there in no time.

    I stopped by and talked to the other neighbors this morning to get permission to look for that deer (NAME and NAME), and they said no problem. I called (THE NEIGHBOR)one more time too, and he said no again, even though I explained to him that I didn’t think that we crossed his line the night before but sorry if we did.

    Anyways, as you may guess, I followed more blood and it ended up going right into the heart of (THE NEIGHBORS) land, so I pulled out before I crossed his fence line , and bypassed his land and searched all over the other neighbors for about 4 hours hoping it made it that far. Anyways, I never found it, but I know it went down into his land to die because it starting angling down when it entered his land; damn, the blood trail was getting good too. We missed a lot of blood in the dark.

    Just for the record, where we stopped looking for blood, we weren’t even on (THE NEIGHBOR) land. I found that out when I went back this morning, but the blood trail did head right into his land where I picked it up.

    Long story short, buck is down there on his 200 acres somewhere most likely dead, and I’ll never get it. Worst hunting experience of my life. It will take me a while to get over this one. I may even hang up the camo for the rest of the year. I can’t stand the thought of not retreiving a wounded deer that I shot.

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    Hey Slop – that really sucks! Did your buddy end up calling the CO? If he did, do you know what he was told? Just curious.

    I hope this comes to a better ending than this.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Yeah he talked to Russ – basically said not much he can do….

    Sounds like the Neighbor called and talked to the CO as well with a list of complaints not involving Phil (he did mention him as well)….so it sounds like his neighbor has had some run-in’s with some other not so honest people…and in this case – it hurt Phil who was being honest and trying to do the right thing.

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    Man that is just sad, maybe a few letters from some concerned hunters to this guy would be in order. What a jerk! I feel this guys pain though it has never happened to me, I feel just sick reading about this!

    Posts: 712

    WOW what a sad story. It just makes me sick reading it.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916


    WOW what a sad story. It just makes me sick reading it.

    It flat out gets me PISSED. I know he has the right to do what he wants to do in regards to others walking his land but if he has a problem with others crossing his land then why didn’t or doesn’t he offer to look himself. A cranky ol’ POS like that will have karma looking for him one day. The only thing that could make this situation worse is if it were a kid that shot the deer. And I seem to remember reading this same thing about one of the members’ daughters last year!?? What losers walk this planet amazes me..

    Bob Schultz
    Posts: 772

    Does the landowner hunt? Maybe it needs to be pointed out that some day he could be in your buddies shoes himself. If that doesn’t work, I think I would convert to RageRunners methods. I think I would do what I could to recover the animal under the cover of darkness if need be.

    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 313

    Here’s the quote from the Minnesota hunting synopsis.

    “A person on foot may, without permission, enter land that is not

    posted to retrieve a wounded animal that was lawfully shot, but

    may not remain on the land after being told to leave.”

    I guess the lesson here is just go after the wounded game without permission because if you are told no you can’t go in and get it. At least if you go in without asking you have a chance to retrieve it before the landowner even knows you were on their property.

    This seems counter intuitive to me. People try to do the right thing and ask for permission to retrieve game but if the landowner says no there is nothing you can do. Whereas if you just went in you might be able to retrieve your game before you were told to leave.

    We had a situation last year where we trailed a wounded deer to a neighbors property and we called before we entered their land and they gave us permission to retrieve the deer.

    Seems to me the law has changed on this subject. I thought in the past you could retrieve game on private property. There must have been some lawsuit that changed this.

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    After checking on the WI state laws, he has been told so now there is nothing “legal” he can do about it. Ya really hate to encourage unethical behaviors but sheesh! This guy must have really had some bad run ins with others…

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    I could care less what “others have done to this guy”, he is a jerk for not letting a guy who is honest and ethical to retrieve his deer! I suppose now he is going to go out and try to find the deer and claim it as his own! There is no excuse for that in my opinion!

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    I say get out there tomorrow and watch for buzzards or crows or coyotes on this guy’s land to try to pinpoint where your buck is. If you have some luck at this, just get someone else to track a buck that “they shot” onto the neighbor’s, cut off the head, and get out of there. This way the neighbor hasn’t told the tracker to get out yet and you shouldn’t get into trouble.

    The guy only told you not to go get the deer, not anyone else.

    Sometimes you have to do what’s right, not what’s legal. Something like a hunter’s civil disobedience.

    Just my .02

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916


    Here’s the quote from the Minnesota hunting synopsis.

    “A person on foot may, without permission, enter land that is not
    posted to retrieve a wounded animal that was lawfully shot, but
    may not remain on the land after being told to leave.”

    So what if a neighbor’s cattle come on my land…can i just shoot em’ and eat em after i tell the owner to leave? I know I know,, i exaggerate to prove my point.

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    That’s a hard hit to get over. It’s bad enough having to wait and go find a deer when bowhunting but to give up a track due to someone’s own ignorence is down right discusting. I know it’s hard to get over lost animals due to bad shots or loosing a deer due to yotes doing the right thing and backing out only to find a half eaten deer that happened to me last year still hangs with me. Hope some good does come out of it. Let the word out around your town about this guy hopefully you will get some satisfaction and the tables will turn best of luck.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    sometimes you have to do what you have worked for, and that is getting your hands on a rack you deserve!!!! I would take a day off work, wait for the guy to leave for work and hurry your a** and search his land!!! Possibly go in the AM early morning and search w/ a flashlight! I would bet he wouldn’t prosecute you anyway but thats my opinion. You have a small fine to pay for a buck you deserve and worked so hard for

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    You are quoting MN law this happened in WI, as was said before in WI if the land owner says no unfortunately you are SOL. I would not recommend trying to sneak in there, if you get caught it will go bad for you. My daughter took firearms safety class last year and the local CO talked to the class one night about this very subject. He told us if you run into this situation to call them and they will go in and retrieve your deer for you, again this is MN not WI. The best thing you boys from WI could do is to start writing your state representatives and let them know how you feel about this law and that it needs to be changed, get the media involved send them a link to this thread, contact your local sports writers and see if they would do a story on this. Slop you should contact you local news station and see if they would do a story on this to let everyone in the community know what a jerk this guy is.


    Here’s the quote from the Minnesota hunting synopsis.

    “A person on foot may, without permission, enter land that is not
    posted to retrieve a wounded animal that was lawfully shot, but
    may not remain on the land after being told to leave.”

    I guess the lesson here is just go after the wounded game without permission because if you are told no you can’t go in and get it. At least if you go in without asking you have a chance to retrieve it before the landowner even knows you were on their property.

    This seems counter intuitive to me. People try to do the right thing and ask for permission to retrieve game but if the landowner says no there is nothing you can do. Whereas if you just went in you might be able to retrieve your game before you were told to leave.

    We had a situation last year where we trailed a wounded deer to a neighbors property and we called before we entered their land and they gave us permission to retrieve the deer.

    Seems to me the law has changed on this subject. I thought in the past you could retrieve game on private property. There must have been some lawsuit that changed this.

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    i say you send someone else in after the buck who hasn’t asked the landowner for permission to trail it. That way you are not the one involved and the worst that could happen to the “new trailer” would be that he has to leave, correct? just my 2 cents

    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    i cant believe the CO doesn’t have the authority to take the hunter on that property to recover the deer. they dont need permission to enter private property if they believe a crime is being committed, and i would say this is a crime if the hunter cant recover his buck.
    regardless, and i hate to say this, but i would get that deer one way or another – either after dark or by sending in somebody else like others have mentioned.

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