Who is having problems slepping and working this

  • pahaarstad
    Posts: 712

    week,I know I’m. I just can not wait until Saturday. I get to take my son on is first deer hunt . The guns are ready and the hunting stuff is hanging out side.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    You can add me to that list….I am so dang antsy….gonna be a long 5 days… but then time

    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 160

    I know what you mean. I just told the boss he should let me have the week off paid. Cause we all know I’m not going to do anything anyway.

    His responce was exactly what I thought it would be. “bleepidy blepp, bla bla bla”

    Impatiently waiting…

    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    Heck I only have 8 more hours of work and I’m off to the north woods, getting camp together is half the fun. Still can’t wait for opening A M. Good luck to all.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22983

    trouble sleeping ??? YES !!!! actually working…not this week just showing up discussing the weekend plans with everyone at work

    big G

    Posts: 712

    My boss asked me if I was doing to get anything done this week here at work. I told him sure I will get something done I was about to show him my to do list for this week.
    Hang out on this web site
    Talk with hunting buddies
    Make a list of thing to bring to deer camp
    Send more time on this site
    take a long lunch brakes to GM(this is hard work so need a brake)
    check weahter reports
    get other co-workers pumped up about deer hunting
    repeat as needed
    I thought I better not show him this list. I just told him I would get my list done before I left

    Posts: 47

    I am WORTHLESS this week! I told myself that I would keep my nose to the grindstone this week in order to make it go faster. Instead I’ve come back to my usual ways of reading this site, checking the weather, and basically doing everything like pahaarstad posted!

    So I am setting myself up for a long 4 days here at the office…but who am I to throw away an annual tradition of unproductivity?!

    BEST of luck to you guys, to your first time hunters, your fellow deer camp family/friends/knuckleheads, and most importantly…SAFE HUNT!

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