Weekend Update Northern MN

  • scottsteil
    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I hunted all weekend in Northern MN. Friday evening was one of those perfect nights to be on the stand. Temp in the high 40’s and about a 5 MPH North wind. This was a perfect wind for one of my stands so I climbed in for a 4 hour sit. It wasn’t long and 6 deer piled out onto the food plot. Two were very mature does, of which we don’t usually see unless the deer are really moving and it turns out they were. Fifteen minutes later a 1 1/2 year old 6 came out 10 yards from me and onto the plot, right behind the 6 was a 2 1/2 year old nine pointer. It had a big enough rack that I actually grabbed my bow, but then I noticed the short brows and hung the bow back up. Still a yound deer but at first glance it looked like something bigger. The 6 fed on the plot while and to my suprise, so did the 9 pointer.

    With about an hour of shooting light left it got really interesting. 4 different 2 1/2 year old bucks came out onto the plot to check things out along with 5 other 1 1/2 year olds. Just before dark a huge bodied deer came flying out of the woods with his head down in that chase position they do with their nose straight ahead, and off most of the deer went and he was after the does.

    I had 4 other deer coming, that were right under my stand at the time that big bodies deer ran all those deer off the plot so I was pretty much stuck in my stand for another 20 minutes until I could climb down. It was a good night on the stand.

    Unfortuately, it warmed up over the weekend and the activity really decreased. I saw a 1 1/2 year old on Saturday AM. Saturday night was pretty good again, but all young deer with the big boys moving at night on the cameras. Sunday AM was not good, lots of movement at night but just two small bucks moving in the AM.

    Things are getting close to really getting going. I would guess by the weekend there should be some daytime chasing going on. Still lots of scraping going on. Well, back at it up North again on Wednesday.

    I am having trouble dealing with all the corn here in Central MN. I can’t get them figured out around here yet. Every deer in the county must be hiding in the corn right now.

    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 160

    Good report. sounds like a fun outing.

    If the weather forecast holds true for later this week and weekend, it could be fantastic this weekend!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Thanks for the report Scott!

    Good Luck to you these next few weeks!

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