The article stated that he’d already taken it to a taxidermist. I hope the taxidermist has good security. I hope he’s gotten some better pics too. Right now, looking at those pics, I’d say that he’s not the new world record.
i am not a scorer, but i would have to think that deer is a big threat to the archery world record typical – if it is a typical – that was shot in illinois and scored 204 and change.
Pretty exciting to see such a deer, much less kill it. I hope his genes are still running around and end up a little closer to Winona. Congrats to the hunter.
Tough to tell..From the pics it’s hard to tell if some of those points are coming off the main beam or not.. could be some major deductions if they aren’t. It’s gotta be close though.
Reguardless of whether is takes the record or not, that is a magnificent buck. Congrats to your buddy. I am sure he could care less if it is a world record or not. It’s going on the wall.
The guy will have to deal with 1000 times less BS if it isn’t scored a world record anyway. No one can take away from him it is the buck of a lifetime!