Allright guys i was wandering who out there practices there own Quality Deer Management. I know this might give a slight mis-representation in that people on this sight maybe hunt more than the “average” person but who out there practices QDMA and what are your standards. Personally i hunt in area 249 west of mille lacs lake at my grandparents, and we havent shot a buck in the last three years. To say its working would be an understatement. I have seen more bucks this year than ever. So far either have pics or personally seen 14 different bucks throughout the property, with two definate shooters, and lots of basket 2.5 year old eights.
Currently we said a deer has to have at least eight points or better and be over 125″ but i think this year for rifle season the stakes might be upped a little bit. Our neighbors are pretty decent and we have talked to them about passing little guys, and i would say half of them agree with QDMA. The other half are still in the “brown its down mentality” but i still hope. The Dnr made it a little more difficult this year, in that they moved us to a lottery zone which i don’t agree with, but whatever. In my opinion this is gonna make it tougher for some of the neighbors to pass on a deer if they don’t have a doe tag. Time will tell.
So what is everybodies standards, and i by no means am trying to put down anybody who takes a smaller buck because every deer is a trophy in someones eyes and that is the way it should be.
October 23, 2008 at 3:41 pm