Too come up with a solid solution is a tough one that will forsure work. Sometimes a 500 yrd move is out of thier normal path if they hardly ever go that direction. If I was in your situation and if I knew where he was rubbing and scrapeing and if its close to a feeding and drinking area Id hunt there. If theres trails coming from where he lays up every day that tie any of those areas together to me thats even better. Right now thier scrapeing and rubbing but at what time of day. Thier going to be searching for does soon but I think most of thier activity is focused around scraping and rubbing right now.
Your place sounds familiar to where im hunting. The bedding area is seperate from the food sources and where the bucks are laying up during the day. They need to drink daily and they visit the scrapes that are being made so if you could find a place close by where they do both that would be good. If you could find a trail(s) that lead from his bedding area to where the scrapes and rubbs are I think that would be a good area. Adding a new scrape in his area might bring him in to check out whos new is his part of the woods. A scrapes a good idea if its along a trail that he uses to go between a drinking or commonly used feeding area and when they get into the serious scrapeing mode right befor the does come into heat.
Down here in Iowa right befor the does come in heat the scrapes have gone from a foot wide to 10 feet wide in some places as the pre rut intensifies. Bringing them to a place by putting a mock scrape down is a good idea and Id also look for any scrapes that are being worked more then others, id hunt that area too. Id watch what scrapes where doing what close by where he lays up if I could get in that place without him senseing I might be there. If I were getting close to him Id make sure my boots had coon or coyote urin on them and id try not to make any noise and take my time even walking slowly and takeing all day to make a two hour walk, you can never tell what might come walking by and you notice them befor they notice you.
You can always hang a doe pee rag from a bush when thier coming into heat but here its way to early, the farmers are saying the plantings behind 3 weeks to a month and the scrape activity just began a couple weeks ago and it isn’t hot and heavy yet, infact I think its a little behind with a ways to go. Maybe two weeks from now it will be. Im waiting until thier really scrapeing and tearing up the ground, to me thats when they are ready to search hard for does and check alot of scrapes at the same time. Right now making a mock scrape along a trail you think he may use may bring him to you. If I was going 500 yrds away Id make the scrape in an area where the wind blows his direction so he can smell it if hes going to and id freshen it up as much as I could to tell him that theres another buck visiting his area regularily. Forgot to mention too that when thier chasing does thier still revisiting scrapes and scrapeing then too. Good luck!