Illinois Nine pointer

  • troy_vinson
    South Beloit ,Illinois
    Posts: 136

    Well guys patience finally paid off. Last night the eve of the full moon in was nothing but excitement from the moment I got into my Summit Viper SS Climber. Five mintues after I tried to quietly get up my TREE a young forker came underneath me. Ten minutes later a really small forker came from my right. The wind was right out of the NW in my face. Then doe after doe kept filtering into the late august planted soybean field. I knew it was close to time the bigger boys came out to play.

    I have hunted this tree when the wind is right for the last two weeks. And last night the wind was wrong. I decided to go ahead and take a chance. This Big bodied 9 pointer came in 15 mintues before last shooting time. I got to tell ya when I let the first arrow fly( ya first) I was disgusted. Arrow was to high at 25 yds. I then nocked another arrow and this time it was low. I was ready to come out of my skin. I then looked at my bow and noticed the STS limbsaver was getting in the way of my bowstring. I tightened it up and finally did the smackdown on this MAMa JAMA. I was using Slicktrick broadheads, Easton Axia arrows , and easton Tracer NOC’s I gotta say it was cool watching the arrow go right through him and out the otherside.

    He went thirty yards and crashed. So I pulled out of the woods last nightsince it was going to be in the low 30’s. I found him this morning around 6:45 right were I heard him crash. He aged at 4.5 years old. I gotta say what a blast to finally be up in the tree taking Whitetails again.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Great buck Troy and awesome story! How do you get 3 cracks at a 4.5 year old buck…with a BOW no less? Someone was looking out for you last night! A hunt you will never forget!

    Posts: 6441

    congrats sounds like a wild night thanks for sharing

    Posts: 214

    nice buck, congrats

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    nice buck… by the sounds of it he wasn’t very smart though…. actually sounds like one of the dumbest deer ever . I’m glad you got him out of the herd… you don’t want a bunch of them like that running around….LOL

    Posts: 293

    That’s a piggy for sure. What a gut!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Third times a charm! Congrats on a great looking deer!

    South Beloit ,Illinois
    Posts: 136

    When I opened this deer up I found some strange looking red nodules. They looked like red paint gun balls but a little smaller. They were all over the inside tenderloins. So I called a friend who is a local biologist. He had never seen this before. He too the samples and took some more test to send in. So right now He is quarter and put in the chest freezer till i hear the go ahead to eat him.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Congrats Troy on a Mature Deer and Trophy!

    Congrats even more so for doing it from a treestand! Welcome back!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Nice Buck Dude

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