when should i start rattling

  • skeetguy
    Posts: 12

    i was wondering when i should try rattling as well as how aggresive and how long of sets? i have never really tried it before but i would like to start but i dont want it to ruin my hunt i was thinking about trying tonight?

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I started rattling in the beginning of October in certain places. You need to let the bucks behavior in your area dictate when you should rattle or call for that matter IMO. Rattling does not always work in all places in all situations. You need to see and observe how the deer react and act to let you know.

    Just a tip. When the weather turns cold like it did the other day. The Bucks become a lil rev’d up, restless, less tolerable of each other and are more acceptable to calls. Also Buck to Doe ratio also plays a big part if rattling is effective. There is no blanket statement that works for all places or situations. Each deer has different personalities much like humans. Some are fighters, some are lovers.

    I have rattled 2 bucks in this year both were smaller 1.5-2.5 year olds. Once was going away from me and I visually saw him and rattled him back into me. The other was a blind rattle sequence and one showed up curious and looking.

    Hope this helps and Welcome To In-Depth Outdoors.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Welcome to IDO skeetguy! Now is the time to start experimenting with rattling sequences. The bucks are starting to show their dominance towards one another and establishing the pecking order. How hard you rattle or for how long varies and let the deer tell you what they want. Maybe start off with a light rattling sequence (1-2 min long) just in case there is a buck close by. Later on put some more volume to it if you do not get any response. You just have to experiment and keep things in perspective that most of the time you will not get any results. But the one time that it works, could lead to a successful hunt.

    I especially like to rattle when I’ve seen a buck that is too far to hear a grunt call but could still hear a rattling sequence.

    I’ve rattled in several bucks but have yet to close the deal on a shooter due me rattling him in.

    Milan IL
    Posts: 804

    I belive lip saved me alot of typing, I agree with everything he said 110%. The one thing I will add Is that if the deer in your area are still in bachelor groups they will spar and play around alot and alot of times very agressivley, In my opinion the other bucks dont show alot of intrest in that and in that time frame (bachelor groups) they dont relate rattling to a fight over a domenence for a hot doe. Just my opinion. also I have found that bucks that are alone react alot more possitive to rattling than others.

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