Help the Newbie

  • ragerunner
    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    What are everyone’s opinions on quartering to, quartering away, and head on bow shots to deer? I would think that quartering to would be a shot to pass and a well placed quartering away would be ok, but the head on has me puzzled. Also, does hunting in the rain harm your bow and/or arrows. So MANY questions…

    Thanks in advance guys.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    A quartering away shot is one of the best because your liable to hit one of the vitals better incase of a flinched shot or something that might go wrong. A side shot is another good one placing an arrow in the lung area or other vitals. A head on shot and you have to be right on to bring the animal down verses wounding it and also this shot would be best for a heart shot. Its very posssible to put an arrow between both lungs and wounding it and not bringing it down only to have it die somewhere where its hard to find. Quartering away and side shots are the safest and most apt to bring a quicker kill.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    I agree with mossydan. Broadside #1, Quartering away #2, Quartering towards, not a shot a like and head on, I would wait for a better shot, if it happens great, if not, then no shot from me. With a rifle, I will take any of the shots you presented, I am confident I can get a killing shot with the rifle, but not the bow.

    big G

    Posts: 48

    If you have a head on shot I would wait 100% of the time for a better shot. I have seen in hunting movies people taking an animal head on with success, but the margin for error is very small and chances are you may follow a wounded deer for along time with only heartbreak. Along time ago I shot one of the biggest bucks I have eer seen head on, I tried to slip the arrow in front of the shoulder and what came next was a hundred yards of pretty heavy blood followed by clotting and close to a thousand yards of blood getting less and less. The good news was a neighbor took the animal during gun season so all wasnt lost.Quartering away slightly is a very good shot to take(maybe my favorite, even more than broadside) . Qaurtering in is a differant story and I would suggest waiting for a better oportunity. If nothing else holding on a deer waiting for him to turn will teach you self discipline and patience.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080


    What are everyone’s opinions on quartering to, quartering away, and head on bow shots to deer? I would think that quartering to would be a shot to pass and a well placed quartering away would be ok, but the head on has me puzzled. Also, does hunting in the rain harm your bow and/or arrows. So MANY questions…

    Thanks in advance guys.

    I suggest looking at a picture or a poster of a deers vitals. You will have a better understanding as to which shot will expose the most vitals and larger killing area. Head on- 100% never ever with a bow IMHO. Rifle, sure, it’s been done, but still not an ideal situation. Quartering to, at best, you’ll clip a lung and hopefully drive it into the liver. A deer with a one lung only shot will, and can travel a LONG ways. Quartering away slightly is without a doubt the best case senario. All the vitals are exposed, and you have an excellent chance of taking out multiple vital organs with one shot. I still remember what my old man said when I was a kid, you want to shoot through the deer creating an entry AND exit hole if possible. I’m sure everyone on here has had a nightmare story resulting from “iffy” shots, I know I have. Remember, a broadhead will cut and sever organs and vital arteries and cause bleeding, open a hole!

    Milan IL
    Posts: 804

    I suggest standing in frony of a 3d deer target and holding your arrow at different angles to get a better understanding of what the guys are trying to explain to you. Look where it would come out if shot at different angles, My opinion is qaurteing away #1 broad # 2 And no to qaurtering towards you and definate no to head on.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    I think it’s settled. Thanks for the help.

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