Would you?

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    We’re happy to help provide ways for working men and women to make it through the day.

    See ya’ up to LOTW. Those perch are incredible. Tom, owner of WigWam, was telling us about a 16″ super-slob he had caught the year prior. Now THAT is a perch!

    Arkansaw, Wisconsin
    Posts: 945

    I have a friend that asked me this the other day and I was just wondering what you guys thought.

    Would you shoot a doe that has fawns with her. For me I will but I usually wait until gun hunting.

    Posts: 6441

    i personally dont unless im stickerless in earn a buck area then fair game

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    It depends and I can’t judge others actions on this as food is food. For me I’d not shoot the doe if the fawns were still heavily spotted. No spots? Fair game to me.

    Another twist. A doe and two healthy fawns come out. Would you consider harvesting one of the fawns? I have when I can see for sure it is a doe fawn. These little ones are insanely tender and excellent table fare. No spots though.

    West Union, IA
    Posts: 250

    I would shoot the doe anytime, except for spots, and a large buck in vicinity

    Preston, MN
    Posts: 220

    Nope can’t do it. I just can’t shoot a doe with a fawn(s).

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    I personally never think twice

    Posts: 12

    Hi guys, new guy here, my name is René. Just wanted to say that I agree with everything said, I won’t pull the trigger on spots, but as long as I have a tag, a young doe usually wont get a pass from me.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Since I hunt in a EAB area in WI, it puts a little more pressure to shoot any doe that walks by.  However, with that being said, sometimes I still can’t do it if they have little fawns with them.   They are such good mothers.

    Welcome to IDO Rene’ 

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    The thing that I always remember is that in one more month those does will be pushing their fawns off for breading purposes. I agree on the spots, but as long as there is no milk dripping off their chin, it’s fresh backstraps for me.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I did it late season last year in ND.

    I usually shy away from shooting does early in the season so I don’t have to worry about spots. I also don’t usually start whacking does until gun season or after fawns or no fawns!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Welcome to In-Depth Outdoors realtown12!!!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Me2…. Welcome to IDO Rene’

    big G


    Personally, I will shoot the Doe or the fawns for that matter, if I can determine the fawn is not a button buck. Where I hunt the buck to doe ratio is so out of wack, does need to be harvested regardless of age.

    On a side note, isn’t it true that another doe will usually adopt those fawns? I know that I have a 3 legged doe on camera thats close to 7 1/2 yrs old and has not dropped fawns for the past few years. Early season, she always comes into my food plot alone, but each year come November/December, she usually has a fawn or two with her…

    Just a thought. What are your observations on this???

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Good post! I just whacked a doe last weekend with fawns…all were eating acorns like crazy so I wasn’t too concerned that they wouldn’t survive without mom! Waiting on my pics so I can post the story! The fawns were very healthy and no spots.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    I have and would again, but I remember one time a couple years ago, the fawn wouldn’t leave no matter what. That was a little disheartening, but I got over it!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    Where I hunt the buck to doe ratio is so out of wack, does need to be harvested regardless of age.

    I agree the doe herd here in SE MN needs to be trimmed down period, you can not worry about the fawns they will be fine.

    Zumbrota, MN
    Posts: 578

    For me, not spots = doe for the taking.

    I would however, encourage you to look at the size / health of the fawns. Also, are they eating / browsing as normal adult deer do?

    Here is another question:
    Do you shoot a doe that’s alone? If so, are you sure the fawn isn’t lagging behind? Have you checked and waited long enough to be sure?

    I think one just needs to make there own wise decision.

    Good hunting.

    Posts: 9281

    I have a hard time passing up any doe, except with spots. Although they do give you a place to aim. They are like little bullseyes


    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466


    I have a hard time passing up and doe, except with spots. Although they do give you a place to aim. They are like little bullseyes

    hey, its harder to shoot a smaller target

    Posts: 57

    Me personally, no. And it’s not because I’m a woman. I can shoot like the rest of them, but no, I have heard stories of babes sitting there while you dress the Momma and I just couldn’t stand to see that. I know that’s usually with bear cubs from what I’ve been told but I just couldn’t do it.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    If the fawn had spots I wouldn’t, if they were all brown then I would. I took a fawn one year late season and it tasted like veal. Once the fawns are old enough and likely to be adopted by another doe its ok to me, especially if shes an older doe.

    LaX, WI
    Posts: 72

    I’m also on board with shooting does with fawns as long as the little ones are fairly well grown. There is also a school of thought that if you kill a doe with fawns, those fawns are more likely to remain in that same area through adulthood, rather than drifting into different areas for breeding purposes as they are supposedly genetically programmed to do.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 214

    Can’t do it …and trust me, I get called plenty of names back at “deer camp” for not being able to do it as well.

    Posts: 8

    i would have to agree with deertracker… the spots are just something to aim for… so HELL YEAH ill shoot the lil sick ones… i wont however shot a doe that has 2 or even 3 lil ones with her… but if she only has 1 then ill wack her first bc 9 out 10 chances (atleast for me) the lil one stays within just a few yds of where it was when i shot the doe atleast long enough for me to wack it too…

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