Ok fellas….from what I’ve seen on here is about the same as I’ve seen on many other sites. I’m here if you need anything cleared up. The shooter is a good buddy of mine.
The buck is OFFICIALLY P&Y green scored at 230 5/8″. If that’s a score you don’t want to believe, well then that’s what it is. The NET non-typ score is far above the 180-190 range some have guessed, but I’m not at liberty to say what it is.
To the gentleman above who is questioning the shot placement, the arrow IS NOT sticking out of the hide quarter. The shot was hard quartering away, the shooter stuck the arrow in right around the last rib and the BH stuck into the off side shoulder. No matter what you may think, that’s a dead deer. But I’m sure you would have waited and only settled on a slight quartering away or broadside shot. Right?
Obviously the rack has to wait the 60 day drying period and then everything will become official. A story is being written, true age of the buck is trying to be identified, those who have history with this buck are trying to be contacted for the story, etc, etc…..