Illinois Opening Day results!!

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Brian, have a marine mechanic fix it so you have a motor that runs…is still in one piece…and…just have it fixed.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1007


    Brian, have a marine mechanic fix it so you have a motor that runs…is still in one piece…and…just have it fixed.

    And so it doesn’t fall off…..

    Posts: 109

    i know if i am going to join you again in the boat next summer, i want a “real” mechanic fixing it! at least one thing will be reliable during the trip

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    what Bill said….

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    This is very sound advice Brian.. its a chore!

    Otherwise you will need to use a hoist and get a fitting that fits to the bolt on top of the flywheel to hook the hoist to.. that will allow you to unbolt and raise the motor off the transom. Be sure you have a smooth ground for the engine hoist to roll for removal and installation… last thing you want is your top heavy hoist to tip with your outboard

    Paying a mechanic is the safest way to go, and not much more expensive after getting a hoist and the ring fitting for raising your motor.

    South Beloit ,Illinois
    Posts: 136

    Well the morning started out good as i was driving in i saw a couple nice dandy ten pointers in the late soybean crop. I hunted the double ladder stand due to the 25 plus Northwest wind.

    I was hunting over a four acre imperial whitetail alfalfa-rack plus/ clover mixture that looks like a mower cut it. Lots of deer sign plus camera activity. I had alot of action early in the morning before sun -up but couldn’t get a real sight on horns. The photo enclosed above is a trail photo from the food plot last weekend. Couple year and half and two year old bucks. Hoping to see their DADDY but no success.

    I hung out till around 10:00 a.m. when the wind was ridiculous. I decided to go take a nap in the truck. About 1:00p.m. I noticed out my truck door about 50 yards away were 15 or so turkeys. HMMM! I thought that would be good in the deep fryer tonight. I waited till they moved away from the truck and got my bow ready and started stalking the turkeys. Now by where I hunt the turkeys are huge. This tom I saw in the group had to be at least 22lbs plus. Massive beard. I stalked him for about an hour till I got down by the creek bed where I could get a shot.My taste buds were dripping from the thought of fresh deep fried wild turkey. I drew back and fired.The turkey just stood there and I hear thud in the distance from my arrow hitting a tree. That Tom let out a gobble that to me it sound like (HAHAHAHA!!) I nocked another arrow and began the stalk again.

    Now I regained my composure and let my frustration subside. And what do i see? A little fawn playing chase with the turkeys. It was awesome. He was running all over chasing them and they would chase them back. My wife would have loved to get that on video. No camera today. Just got to enjoy God’s creations.

    I let the turkeys go after seeing that. They ended up flying across the small river by our farm the kishwaukee river.

    So then I head back to my ladder stand thinking i am gonna sit the entire afternoon. Not even five minutes a nice mature doe comes up. She got maybe ten feet from my stand.

    I had told my wife i would do my best to bring home some venison for homemade jerky and fresh tenderloin. So I put the smackdown on her. No tracking needed. Those slictrick broadheads do some serious damage.

    I took her home and skinned her and put her on ice to clean later . I got in the truck and boogied back to the farm before four.I decided to go up in my summit viper ss climber i just bought up near where i saw the deer in the morning when i was driving in.I saw nothing besides squirrel and got a bad case of windburn. So close before sunset I decided to get down and try glassing the bean fields. As i was walking out I had this doe come flying out from underneath a huge evergreen bush hissing and bellowing. Scared the bejebbers out of me. She was running around in circles. Like she was rabid or had mange. I nocked another arrow thinking i would put her out of her misery. I fired . No thwacck . No thud. hmmm!! I looked at my sight and it was about to fall off. the mounting screws had got loose I guess. Thats while they call it hunting not killing!!

    So when I got home I called my friend who went to UW-Stevens point for wildlife biology with me to discuss the behavior of that doe. he said that was typical of a doe who was protecting her young. So this morning I went back to that place where I saw that doe come from underneath the evergreen bush and there was a fairly newborn fawn. Couldn’t have been more than two or three months old. Pheww!!

    We have had two deer near our property have CWD. I truly thought I had a mad deer on our farm.!!!! HAHAHAHA!!

    Its funny now that I think back.

    Pretty eventful day. Tonight my six year old is sharing one of my fvorite stands over top of a Imperial chicory plus and wintergreens food plot. We had a good frost last night so this food plot should be getting sweetier everyday from here out.

    My camera dates are wrong on those pics, I have to learn how to adjust that. The top pic is from the double ladder stand last weekend. The second is this summer of the imperial whitetail alfalfa rack plus/clover food plot. the third pic is of the chicory plus and imperial whitetail wintergreens foodplot. The fourth pic is the deer i just got back from the taxidermist from shotgun season opener last year.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Congrats and thanks for the great read!

    I was looking forward to it!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    It sounds like you had an action packed day! Congrats again on the doe!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Troy, I bet you were perfectly fine with your sights comming loose after finding her fawn? That is one plush looking plot! Also, 2 10pts. on opening day? I’m gitty if I see one all season! Thanks for sharing, sounds like you had plenty going on to keep yout attention.

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