Got an 8 pt last night. Was in the stand for an hour or so and at 6:20 I heard a lot of noise to the NW. It was only about 40 yards away but was too thick to see. It sounded like trees were getting knocked over. I grabbed my bow and waited as the sound got closer. At about 25 yards I could see a buck running at me and could see the antlers were outside the ears. I decided quickly that if he gave me a shot I’d take it. Well, he was running by so I gave out a quick mouth grunt and he stopped about 6 yards from the base of my tree. It was thick so I couldn’t really see him but I leaned right to find a 10 inch hole just past his chest and let it fly. He did the mule kick and ran a semi-circle around me and stopped about 50 yards out. I couldn’t see him very well and then he was gone. I heard limbs breaking so I didn’t know if he was down or running again. Then, I heard another deer coming. I saw it was a doe and she stopped by my stand. She was sending out quick puffs of air – not the warning whistle but shorter. I think she was trying to communicate with the buck. She stayed by my tree feeding for 20 minutes until I couldn’t take it anymore and had to spook her to look for my arrow. Another deer above me bolted when I climbed down too. I looked for my arrow where the deer was and found no arrow or blood.
I walked the trail he was on and found the busted arrow after 15 yards with about 8 or 9 inches missing. Still no blood on the ground. I walked to where I saw him last and there he lay.
I just clipped the front shoulder and lodged in the opposite – not much blood loss. When gutting him I pulled the rage broadhead and only 1 blade opened up and when I butchered him this morning the entry hole showed the same think. I guess I’m not sold on them yet. Clipping the heart made it a mute point.
I know some people wouldn’t have shot this deer but for me it was an exciting hunt with a quick, clean kill. He has a bunch of tree bark hanging from his brows – I’m guessing that’s what he was doing when I heard all the commosion.