Early walks to stand/trying to not get busted

  • mossydan
    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    What do you guys do to try to convince a deer that your not a human.
    Going to my stand in the early morning has had me come up with a few ways to trick thier eye. As soon as I get out of the truck and get close to the field im going to walk through I use my binoculars and try hard too see anying that faintly resembles a deer. You can’t see them all but I try. I’ve crawled on my hands and knees for along ways to try not to spook them and it works staying low to the ground as to not create anything human looking. Once in awhile when coming up on a doe I didn’t see yet i’ve found if I freeze if they think they have seen me or heard me, then start walking with legs close together and not swinging my arms right twards the deer like a deer would do that that works, only in complete darkness, once I think they take thier eyes off me I slip away if I can. If im going to my stand just as its starting to turn twilight I have a turkey diaphram in my mouth and yelp a few times, that also keeps me from getting busted if they haven’t totally seen me, more then once they go right back to feeding. If I see deer in an open field I watch them with binoculars and walk when I know thier not watching, you can in complete darkness with a pair of binoculars, some early mornings theres more light then others for the binoculars. These are some of the things I do if I have along walk to my stand, what do you guys do that works.

    South Beloit ,Illinois
    Posts: 136

    I have a mile walk to my stand across a open field to one of my stands. I have ended up only hunting that stand in the afternoon. Or i get to the stand an hour or better before daylight.I use a red lens on my flashlight and it really helps. I have had deer actually be curious and follow right behind me as a just get up my ladder stand. It is sometimes really freaky. Also another idea I was taught by my Dad and uncle was to walk slow and stop frequently just like deer. Try not to just barrel through the woods.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22963

    Ideally, when possible, I like to hike in at first light/shooting hours, loaded and ready. Taking my time and surveying the woods as I go. I have taken 2 deer doing this. One was a nice big doe, 2 years ago, as I was walking to my stand, she was standing about 20 yards away, just past my stand. She seen me and I froze, I then moved by bow into position as slow as possible, took an arrow out of my quiver, snapped my release on the string and pulled back slowly…. she stood watching me, then I settled the pin on her vitals and walla… venison baby !!! Yes, I did this with a bow too !!!

    big G

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    i always use a red light when i climb down or go into a stand. If i can, i try to get to the stand at least 30 minutes before shooting light. The stand that i have en route to a bedding area from a feeding area in the morning, i try to get in there at least 40 minutes before light. I spooked a deer the same morning about 1/4 mile from the stand and it snorted from there all the way to the bedding area about 400+ yards from where i spooked it Lucky for me, i shot that buck on saturday the same day i spooked it I also try to put trees, shrubs, or draws in between myself and the deer while im walking away

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    Also another idea I was taught by my Dad and uncle was to walk slow and stop frequently just like deer. Try not to just barrel through the woods.

    Then when I get within a 100 or so yards of my stand I really slow down, take my time, and tip toe my way in.

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