Here’s a picture of my buddy’s (Kirk Peterson) buck that he killed with his bow last night. He hunts about a half mile from me over in Buffalo Cty, WI.
It grossed 156 1/8, netted 151 and had a 19 3/4 inch inside spread.
Note: He passed on another 10 pointer two different times that would of scored in the mid 130’s.
This big ten pointer came in opening night within 10 yards and all the buck had to do was turn either way for an easy 10 yard shot. Then for some strange reason, the buck threw its head back and forth and then proceeded to loap right towards Kirk’s tree stand (possibly just playing around). Kirk bleated trying to get the buck to stop but it paid no attention to him and continued to run off. Kirk believed the buck had no idea that he was there and felt the buck was just plain lucky that night.
Kirk didn’t hunt Sunday night but was back in his stand last night (Mon) when the buck showed himself again. This time the buck wasn’t so lucky and Kirk made the shot count!
Congratulations Kirk on an awesome bow buck!
One other note: Kirk owns and operates Peterson’s Taxidermy out of Arkansaw, WI. He specializes in deer mounts and he has already done several of my bucks and soon will be finishing the full body mount of “the wide one”. If you are fortunate to harvest a trophy and would like a really good looking shoulder mount, I highly recommend him!
Peterson’s Taxidermy