Just wondering how many of you have tried using mineral licks? I tried out Deer Cane this year and I am impressed. Well worth the $7 for the gallon jug. I put a salt block down last winter and it had finally completely dissolved into the ground, so i dumped the liquid Deer Cane in the dirt to see if it worked. I would say it worked.
I have some nice bucks on my Wildview (see pictures) that are going to be Monsters next year. Nice brow tines on the one with a messed up rack on one side! Unfortunately, I seen this guy last year during shotgun season and he was a smaller 6 with the same messed up side, so I am thinking he got into a good fight or got hit by a car, because the rack just didn’t grow correctly again. Maybe it could just be bad genes??
Back to the deer management topic…It only took about 2 weeks and a few good rains, and now deer are hitting that dirt at different times. We also food plot Millet, Sorghum and Corn. Great for Pheasants and Whitetails!