Food Plot pics

  • robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Here are some before pictures of a food plot I created up North on the Families property North of McGregor. Stacie helped one weekend. A LOT of hard work went into this that I hope pays HUGE RACKED divedens.


    The 3rd shot is from the ladder stand on the edge of the plot.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    The 1st two pics are a week after the plot was planted. Some good growth occuring already, praying for a lil’ more rain. Half the plot was planted with Biologic Full Draw and the other half was Evolved Habitats Turnips, Brassicas & Rape. There was already a mature bucks prints in the plot when we took these pics. Hopefully he will be come a frequent visitor.

    The other pics are clearing shooting lanes for a Rifle stand close to the plot. The 4th pic is from that stand looking towards the plot in the background.

    Only 8 more days.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Nice pics Rob! Now looking forward to seeing some pics from the stand while you’re hunting!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    We have so many deer we have to plant our plots much larger or they will be grazed over in a week. I prefer Corn and Rape in pure stands. I have a total of 12 acres of food plots. Lots of work to do it right.

    This year I put in Corn, Beans, Rape, Peas and Rye Grass all in pure stands. Then I also put in a couple mixtures of clovers(red, white, alsike) /Rape/Timothy/Alfalfa in a mixture. These plots usually last 3 years minus the rape.

    Central MN/SJU
    Posts: 241

    great looking pics. like you said lip ripper, and scott, lots of hard work but when it pays off, it feels that much better. Good luck and keep us posted,(you guys usually do and its great) The season is upon us. Early goose tomm, and deer next weekend. Should be great, i love this time of year.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Awesome looking food plots guys! I may have to call you guys for some assistance!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Yep definitely not a ton of deer up in this area Scott. This area is mainly big woods and swamp with only one small hay field in at least 2 miles each direction. Not very much farming in the area. This is the 2nd year for this Fall plot. I made it a little bigger this year. I have another plot area picked out, but just did not get a chance to plant it this year. I’m guessing this 1/2 acre plot will also get mowed down eventually, but for now it brings/holds deer in this area and gives them a reason to stay. This plot when maxed out will end up being about 1.5-2 acres. The other one I have laid out will be about the same. So that will give me 2 plots a good distance apart each about 1.5-20 acres. This Spring I will be planting a Spring/Summer plots in these locations.

    Our Plots in ND are much bigger (5-20 acres) and offer a similar smorgasbord as Scott refers. Those are easier to plant due to the farm machinery. The above plot is mainly done by handwork and some 4 wheeler.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Brad, I have some decent equipment for smaller plots (4 wheeler attachements) and would be glad to help!

    How is Wisconsin Looking for ya?

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100


    Brad, I have some decent equipment for smaller plots (4 wheeler attachements) and would be glad to help!

    How is Wisconsin Looking for ya?

    PM Sent!

    Posts: 6441

    heres a couple from mine brad i also have a small kubota tractor 4-wheel drive with a belly mower and rototiller attachment the tractor trailers very easily and im willing to help i love anything that has to do with deer hunting and dont care what time of year it is and would like to meet some of the guys on here also the last food plots gets mauled and doesnt get a chance to grow not always a bad thing thou

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Wow! Great looking food plot Pat! And thanks for offering your help! I wish I would have posted this message back in May!

    I need advice on what, how, when, where I should put in food plots. My father and I have 700 acres in MN near Brainerd and it has a lot of potential. It also borders a 2 mile long swamp and some county land (160 acres) that is pretty much land locked by us.

    There’s about 200 acres of open fields and the rest is a combination of woods/swamps. It has the ability to bring in large equipment.

    It has not been farmed for years so I’m assuming we will have to bring in lime and fertilizer which I already got figured out.

    So first question is…. when is the best time to spray round up? This fall or next spring? Or better yet… what can I do this year to get things ready for next year’s plantings?

    Posts: 6441

    so far ive only done fall plots and i like to keep em small less than 1 acre i plant the last weekend in july my personal fav is turnips the plots above are tecomate monster mix seems to be doing well hope the deer like it ive never sprayed round up or done a spring-summer plot so id say 1st week of june (after turkey season) sounds like it would be an awesome 3 day weekend

    Posts: 48

    I am planning on doing a plot for next season(to busy this year) anyway I hunt in western WI in an area with plenty of corn, beans you name it. My question is what would be best to plant, I have a little more than half an acre to work with and want to make the most of it. My goal is something for early season. Any help would be great, thanks guys!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    They key to food plots is knowing what you are competing against. If you plant in Southern MN for example and have to compete against corn, it can be tough. If you plan to compete against corn you better plan to fertilize a lot. Any type of mixture that has Rape in it that you fertilize well will be very attractive.

    Up in Northern MN you have a lot more deer but a lot less corn to compete against. You also have to decide what your goal is. Are you planning to just attract deer during the hunting season or can you maintain a herd. I use to plant to attract deer, now I plant to feed them year around. I prefer to hunt over small plots which we have a ton of. But, you need much larger plots to maintain a deer herd over the winter. The photos I posted are winter plots. Beans and clovers are great summer plots and the Rye/Winter Wheat is a great late fall and spring food source.

    No matter what or how much you plant the main thing is FERTILIZER. If you can’t put in a food plot, just put a bunch of fertilizer on the weeds/grasses in an area and mow then, you not have a great food plot!! I put in a lot of time and effort into our food plots. But, I enjoy doing it and it pays back in pure ejoyment every year.

    One more thing, start small. This is my 11th year doing the food plots on this property. Eleven years ago my first plot was about 1/2 the size of the one in Lips picture and we just add more every year.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    One more thing, start small. This is my 11th year doing the food plots on this property. Eleven years ago my first plot was about 1/2 the size of the one in Lips picture and we just add more every year.

    Yep, Scott has it right. Start small, this is the 2nd year for the plot in the pic. It is a tad larger this year then last . Every year I plan on doing a little more. First thing to do is test your soil. Get a PH test and figure what you need to add from there. Lime, fertilizer, etc.

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