slug question?

  • hdmeyer
    Posts: 79

    I have a remington 870 shotgun pump and i do not have the money to buy a rifled barrel and want to know if you can still shot a slug thru this barrel? If you can what type will the box of shells say? What i mean is the ones for rifled barrels usually say rifled slug or somewhere along these lines. One other question what brand ammo do you use i like remington or winchester but i was wondering what you use.


    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Hi Derrick,
    Yes you can use a slug but be careful which one you buy, you can use a rifled slug but not a sabot slug, sabots are made for rifled barrels. I also shoot a Remington 870 pump but with a rifled barrel and I use federal sabot slugs it is a great deer gun that I have used for over 20 years. As for what brand to shoot that is something you will need to figure out which one is best for your gun, You can take two identical guns like the 870 and shoot the the same slug through each gun and they will shoot totally different, so the best thing for you to do is to buy a box of a few different brands and see which one shoots the best with you gun. One other suggestion I would make to you would be to save up the money and invest in a rifled barrel for your 870, as far as shot guns go it is one of the best deer guns in the woods when you add that rifled barrel IMHO.

    Posts: 696

    I used my 870 with bird barrel for yrs. I now shoot a rifled barrel and sabots. Most rifled slugs perform better with a Imp cyc or Cyc choke. Smooth bores can be very finicky with what slugs shoots best. My 870 seemed to like Brenneke KO slugs best. I would be able to put 3 shots into a tennis ball at 50yrds. My uncle also has an 870 smooth bore but his gun performs best shooting federal truballs or reminton sluggers. Keep in mind higher priced and high velocity doesn’t always mean they’ll shoot better.

    Grab a couple boxes of a few brands and hit the range it best. You might wanna grab an extra butt pad if possible, they kick!

    Hope this helps

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