Hornady SST Slugs

  • mr-special
    Posts: 696

    This maybe way early to even think about deer hunting, but I figured the earlier the better and get to the range if needed.

    Last season was the 1st time I tried these slugs. I have to say, they truly have great range. I personally wouldn’t want to have to take a 200yrd shot, but it’s nice to know if I ever do. They can reach far, with accuracy. Last season, I took 3 shots at 3 deer, and all 3 hit exactly where I aimed. The downside is, only 1 went down where they stood.

    My 1st deer was about a #150 8pointer @ about 70ydrs. I hit him right in the boiler room, double lung and heart shot. He took off running like nothing happened. I had thought, I’d missed him completely. Until I got out of the tree, and found a good blood trial. I found him about 200yrds from where I had shot him.
    The 2nd buck was a #120 4 pointer @ about 30yrds. I hit him with the same shot… He did kick his back legs, and I saw the spray so I knew he was hit and hit good. But he also ran about 100yrds, up a ravine before the dropped.
    The 3rd one was a #130 mature doe @ about 130yrds. After seeing the other two run a bit before they dropped. I decided to shoot her in the shoulders. She did go down right where she stood. Then again the bullet broke both shoulders also.

    Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to recover any of the bullets. But the only bullet that seemed to have good expansion was on the doe. The entry and exit holes on the buck were about the same size as the bullet.

    Just wondering if anyone that has used them, has had the same experience as I did.

    I’m not sure if it was just a couple of bionic deer. Which I know at times, they just don’t wanna go down right away. But it did seem a little weird that the exit holes weren’t much bigger then the entry holes. With all that said, I’ll probably still use them, because I know they are gonna hit exactly were I aim. Plus I’ve still got 4 boxes left.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    This maybe way early to even think about deer hunting, but I figured the earlier the better and get to the range if needed.

    It is Never to Early! I started thinking about it before it even ended least year.

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