Here’s some more pictures of “the brow buck”. He’s got an extra 10 inch brow coming out of his head. I’m guessing this buck would gross in the mid 160’s.
83 pics this week from 9/29/08 to 10/4/08 lots of blank pics again this week I am thinking birds are tripping the camera in this spot and lots of does again this week and one dandy buck that I would like to get a closer look at.
Trail cam pics from 10/13/08 to 10/20/08. No bucks this week all does and fawns but more pics during daylight hours, 72 pics with lots of empty pics again. Very brushy area so I am sure the wind moving the branches accounted for allot of the empty pics. Moved the cam to a new spot today on a fresh scrape so hopefully will have some buck pics next week.
I checked my new trail cameras today. I bought them a few weeks ago and put them up on the farm I got permission to hunt this year. I checked the pics and brought home the SD card with the most pictures on it (290). Lots of turkeys and lots of does and fawns. I’ve only got one young buck at this point unless some of the eyes off in the distance are bigger bucks.
36 trail cam pics from 10/21/08 to 10/26/08 lots of does again this week and one small buck. The cam is over looking a a scrape and a licking branch, check out the third pic with the doe checking out the licking branch. You can not see it in the pic but we do have a stand in the background of this pic.
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/bbu
I did some mid season scouting over the weekend and walked a brushy fence line that connects two major woodlots. It’s a half mile walk one way and the only place to set up would be a ground blind. It just looked interesting to me and wanted to see if the deer were cruising back and forth along this fence. When I got down there I was amazed to see the buck sign – numerous scrapes and rubs. I went all the way back to my truck to get my trail camera and checked it three days later. Seven different bucks hit that scrape including a big 8 pointer. The last picture is him hitting it at 6pm! Needless to say, I went back to the truck again, got my ground blind and brushed it in along that fence line. Now if I could just get the wind to cooperate!
Finally got some pictures of the big 8 that I videod on my last report. He’s actually a 9 pointer because he’s got a sticker coming out of his left base. Check out his mane! We now call him “Stallion”. Heck – in the last picture he even kicks like one!