Always carry camera and binos.

  • rvrat
    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Last Friday evening my wife Stacey, along with my mom and dad went up to Mille Lacs for the evening to enjoy the sea food buffet..My Dad said he would drive so he picked us up in Sartell. I asked to go bye my land as it was kind of on the way if you take the back roads. Well we went by and saw no deer at the feeders..Went down the road about 5 miles and saw four deer against a wood line…We stopped as they walked closer to the field…as we looked closer we all noticed at the same time there was an ALMOST albino 6 pt buck with head gear still on…Ive been bow hunting for about 20 years and never saw a piebald deer in the wild..this deer only had a little brown on its rear quarter..of course my dad had no binos or camera in the truck…Another reason why I always carry both with me..even though we got no pics…except on camera phone it was awasome to see…You all have pics or ever see an albino or piebald in the wild??….wish I had pics to share as they are uncommon where I hunt…Jay

    Pope County, MN
    Posts: 54

    That’ll learn ya!! To bad that would have been a great pic like ya said. You should put up a trail cam to see if you could get a pic that way. Oh well, perhaps you will see him again this fall.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    i saw an albino doe two years ago while deer hunting I thought it was a horse at first, but nope it was a deer. She was acting like she was being chased so i didn’t pay much attention to her for long

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Very cool Jay! What an awesome site! A few years ago there was an albino buck hanging around Arkansaw, WI. The whole town knew about it. I got a chance to see it too and it was quite comical when all of a sudded you would see this big white ghost came out of the woods in August when the leaves were still green.

    Waumandee, WI
    Posts: 695

    We seem to have quite a few albinos around us. We have a buck and a doe just up the road. I was lucky enough to be looking for sheds last year and had two albino fawns walk through about 15 yards away. They looked like ghosts walking by. Them pink eyes are awesome.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Pretty neat site! Make sure to keep your cameras going and maybe he’ll make his way over to your buffet.

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    This past gun season I had an almost albino doe walk by at about 8 yards. Everything I could see was white, but she didnt have the pink eyes or hoofs. I was very tempted to harvest her but wasnt sure I could pay for a full body mount.

    It was a great site to see none the less.


    It just so happens that I saw an albino buck about 3 miles east of Wahkon last May He had some pretty nice head gear, he looked like an eight with a 14-16″ spread.

    Same deer, or could there be more than one in the area??

    This was probably the coolest thing i have ever seen in the wild, but he was too far away to get a good pic with the camera…I’ll try and post a pic of it later tonight however.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22891

    I seen an Albino Buck about 4 or 5 years ago, a half mile west of Wahkon. It was probably a 6 pointer. On the northside of the road, theres a farm, it was walking along his pine tree grove, about 150 yards from the road. The wife and I pulled over and watched it for about 5 minutes. When we left, there was about 5 more rigs pulled over behind us watching too !!!

    big G

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