Anyone going to the deer classic this weekend? A few buddies and I are headin down on Sat. Hope to see you there.. Gotta see Lee&Tiffany at their booth…Jay
March 4, 2008 at 1:44 am
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Deer Hunting » Mn deer classic.
Anyone going to the deer classic this weekend? A few buddies and I are headin down on Sat. Hope to see you there.. Gotta see Lee&Tiffany at their booth…Jay
Jay, I could be wrong and might be but I thought they were at the Deer and Turkey expo???? I’ll have to check it out.
I saw they were pictured on the homepage.
And, I was trying to find a list of vendors at the Classic this year from the website. Do you guys know if there is a vendor list for the show?
I will be going Saturday with the Misses, My buddies Paul, Miranda, Steve & Rhonda from ND and I believe Steve Huettl.
I didn’t find a vendor list either, but if you go to the website you will find a seminar schedule of the pro staffer’s. As you probably know Lee and Tiffany are going to be there
The website is
I’ll be at the Moltgear booth in the waterfowl section on Saturday. Stop and say hi and check out the new video.
I’m thinking about taking my son on Saturday. Anybody want to meet for a ?
Man, I’m really bummed I made plans for this w-end. I usually leave there with an empty feeling in stomach. It’s big buck overload! fun too! Have fun guys!
Grifter, I will be there with a few people on Saturday. Give me a ring!
We should be there about 11:30
Grifter I will be there with the wife and ranger619 and his G-friend…If I recognize you Id be more then happy to grab a beer or two with you guys…Jay
Looking forward to meeting and seeing you guys Jay!
On second thought, I consider Brad (Grifter) a good friend and soemone I look up to in many ways. However, even though I share my best fishing spots and secrets with the guy. Spend many days in the Summer chatting with him on the phone and even share my greatest passion of bow hunting whitetails with him, I almost forgot. I have never met Brad either.
Here is to, IDO, this weekend and meeting some great guys!
Looking forward to it Brad!
I share the same respect for you Rob and I feel like we’re brothers! It’s kind of funny… I catch myself sometimes saying “well you know Rob Stenger… he and I fish and hunt and he uses this and we both wear that and he likes to do this and we both believe in that….” Then I realize that I’ve never met you either, but it feels like we have hunted and fished together for years. I guess as they say we are cut from the same cloth and it’s surrounded by passion.
IDO touches us in so many different ways. That’s the beauty of this site.
So…. first one is on me guys! Looking forward to meeting you Jay and Ranger619 and anyone else who wants to join us. And let’s toast to James for allowing us the opportunity to share our passion for fishing and hunting.
I share the same respect for you Rob and I feel like we’re brothers! It’s kind of funny… I catch myself sometimes saying “well you know Rob Stenger… he and I fish and hunt and he uses this and we both wear that and he likes to do this and we both believe in that….” Then I realize that I’ve never met you either, but it feels like we have hunted and fished together for years. I guess as they say we are cut from the same cloth and it’s surrounded by passion.
Feel the exact same way Buddy!
Well, You guys have done it! I may have to make a change my plans and also meet the some of you BIG BUCK slayers. As it is somewhat of Grifters fault for showing his trophy room on here as it has giving me the ambition to finally finish my basement for my trophy room but it can wait another day as I was going to get started on Sat. It would be fun to meet you guys!
Well, You guys have done it! I may have to make a change my plans and also meet the some of you BIG BUCK slayers. As it is somewhat of Grifters fault for showing his trophy room on here as it has giving me the ambition to finally finish my basement for my trophy room but it can wait another day as I was going to get started on Sat. It would be fun to meet you guys!
Since it’s my fault, I will be happy to buy you a Coppertop! It would be great to meet you and talk about big bucks and about my old stomping grounds (Royalton – where I grew up).
I believe you live a few miles from there.
If you are going to go, PM me and let’s trade cell numbers. Or better yet, if you want, you can stop by my house on the way (right off 94 in Maple Grove) and see my trophy room in person so you can make yours look better than mine! Then we can ride together (I’ll drive) to the Deer Classic.
Randy if you are goin call…we are headin down at about 9:00am..bring the wife as stacey is goin and so is Marks g-friend …later Jay
Looking forward to tomorrows Deer Classic…I personally haven’t been there for 10 years! Might have to check out the 1:00 seminar “bowhunters panel” that Lee Lakosky is heading up. Should be a good show, later Mark
Jay, Getting her to go to anything that has to do with deer, I’m doubting it. She even has a pink t-shirt that say’s “No Hunting Allowed” She should know better! I’ll shoot you a call tonight. Grifter I’ll PM you later as well. (break is over)
i’ve been trying to get my son to commit but he’s talking about some comp at afton alps he wants to do so i was thinking of working on my honey do list but i might have to change my plans and head up with or without my son and meet some of you guys (my wife is out of town till monday so my plans can easaly be changed, as i tell the boy we’re unsupervised we can do what ever we want) what time y’all hooking up?
Slack – I’ll be there sometime after lunch on Sat. We don’t have a specific meeting spot yet, so we’re going to hook up on our cell phones. If you are interested, send me a PM and we can trade #’s.
Slack…we will be there at about 10:30 or so..p.m. me if you want and we will swap numbers…Jay
Same as usual some decent finds there. Although it was cool to see Tiffany in person. NICEEE
. Did anybody check out the Predator trail cam? I think I may have found my new cam
Although the 10 AA batteries had me hold off for a little more shopping.
sorry i missed you guys, but when the wife is out of town and somethink comes up i have no one to pawn it off on o’well gotta do what you gotta do
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