Still holding on

  • robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    A few weeks back I posted some pics of some bucks. I saw some with one antler, some with none and some with both. I posted a few pics of a pretty decent 4×5. I had not seen him or any buck for a few weeks. Last Thursday afternoon I saw a couple of ok but promising 4×4’s. Then last night when I got home I decided to check things out and I saw that 4×5 for the first time in a few weeks. I got some pics and video of him before he got spooked and thought I would share.

    Anybody else still seeing antler???

    St. Croix River
    Posts: 940

    I found a big set from an 11pt on Jan 30 but the other bucks he was hanging with are still holding on to their antlers. Good way to start the shed season!! I have heard of a few others found in my area but not too many yet…

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Cool video Rob, what kind of camera are you using?

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Nice video Rob! Were you on the ground or in a tree? Are the still pictures from your video camera?

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Thanks Guys.

    Dartkoski, I’m elevated a little bit off the ground, but not in a stand. For both the pics and video I’m using my digital camera that I take my fish pics with. It takes some great videos. This is the same camera I took all my videos this fall with. But like most cameras, it struggles in low light.

    Cannon Power Shot SD870 IS. A great versatile little camera.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    ive seen a lot of big sheds, mostly found the past 2 weeks

    ill send ya a pic lip to get the blood flowing


    Nice Pics!! Your a pretty lucky guy to have that nice of deer hanging around close to home

    I haven’t seen a deer in weeks!!

    But I will be out shed hunting and relocating stands next weekend ( Hopefully i’ll have something to post)

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Must have dug out that magnet again huh? Last week when I checked my camera I had a 2.5 still holding on to both and a spike with only one. Sorta weird, I had 23 pics in 7 days and not a single pic taken after dark, that’s a first for me. Two years ago in the middle of March I was fortunate to watch 3 bucks spar back and forth for over an hour. I was soooo sure I was going to watch one shed right in front of me the way they were going at it but it got dark and the last I could see they were all holding strong. I snuck out in the dark and could still here their antlers. Went back the next morning and nothing. So, it could possibly be a while a while yet?????

    Austin, MN
    Posts: 200

    I just have a question about when deer drop their antlers. Does nutrition and what they are eating play a role in how long they hold on. Because near my house one man feeds the deer. He puts out corn for them everyday. And last year i seen bucks at the end of march, begining of april with antlers still on. Just thought that was really late. But this year im gunna talk to him and see if i can go back and look for the antlers. 2 years ago there was a nice 13 pointer there. Wish i could have them antlers.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Good luck guys when you guys get out looking and scouting.

    There are a few factors that determine how long deer hold their antlers, but the biggest one is testosteronelevel. Once their Testosterone drops off to a certain level they begin to shed. Each deer will be a different time. Things that can effect their testosterone revolves around stress. This is caused by weather (extreme cold), food availability, how much they were run down from the rut, age, overall health, etc. I have seen big deer drop in December and some still had full head gear in late March and peaking into April. It all depends on the deer and the stress levels or lack there of he is enduring or endured.

    However, this Winter seems like they have been dropping earlier then I have seen in the past overall, but we had some mighty cold spells this winter also.

    Posts: 712

    very nice pictures and great video. Thanks for getting the blood pumping again after this cold weather.

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Very nice Rob…We went out shed hunting Sat morning befor the cold came in and again a big goose egg..I have several on my camera with and severat without head gear but no dice on finding any…Jay

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Cool Pics and video Lip! Thanks for sharing!

    Posts: 15

    Cool pics and vid. My buddy here at college has found a few sheds but I have still seen deer with antlers and many of them have not dropped here. Give er another week or two and should be able to get more and more. cant wait to find a few!!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    They are starting to drop. My buddy picked a couple up off of our lease in WI. I will be out looking some more this weekend!

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