Ia extra season

  • mossydan
    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I seen this on the news the other day. Beings I haven’t had much time to hunt, the three extra days that are now available to blackpowder hunt make it nice. Im going to take both my bow and blackpowder to the woods. My bow for a bow shot to fill that tag with hopefully a wallhanger. My blackpowder for a regular or culling doe, if I get a shot at a wallhanger he has to be a 160″ and preferably larger, I need a new set of ratteling racks.

    Posts: 1007

    I wonder how many bucks that have shed by that time are going to be killed?

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    From what I am hearing a lot of locals are not happy about extending the season.

    nora springs ia floyd
    Posts: 518

    You are correct Steve the phone lines have been ringing off the wall at the DNR and state reps.I hope this is a eye opener that we must be invovled.Alot of lobbying for a good deer is a dead deer.I understand that deer numbers need to be controlled but also we need to meet the needs of the deer hunters.This is just plain scary how they imposed this out of the blue

    Missoula MT, Eldridge IA
    Posts: 125

    I’m real happy about this!! I avoid the first muzzle loader and shotgun seasons because I really don’t want to be in the field with everyone else. (While most are all right, that one novice/nimrod who has no clue and will shoot at anything always ends up near me! ) I usually go archery, which gives me 12 days before the first season muzzle loaders hit the field and change up the deer patterns. Then I wait till second season muzzle loader so I can basically have the woods to myself. Not only that, I find myself with a solid three days to “really” hit the woods. (Work doesn’t allow me much time off for hunting.) Now I find out I get to share those woods with everyone else!!!!

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, they extended the second muzzle loader season. BUT, only if I buy the 2008 general hunting license for those additional three days!!!!

    Well, Gee whiz thanks Iowa DNR!!!! Think you guys could give my money back on the tag that I won’t be using now? I really could use that money to start Christmas shopping early, like maybe this weekend. I think next year I’ll just go out of state.

    Anyway, thanks for letting me rant a bit. And good luck to those who will be out this weekend!!!

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Your late muzzle loader tag is goood thru Jan. 10th and it started the 17th. The extra hunt runs friday thru sunday.So there is 2 more weeks after this one to hunt.What about bow hunting after first season muzzel loader.Thats when the good hunting starts.First muzzel loader is in the first part of October.Of course they are going to change there patterns as the rut nears.You can hunt right up to first shot gun.So there is all kinds of time you could be out there afield.Sure once in awhile you will have your run in with another hunter or 2.Try waving and asking him or her how they are doing.Also maybe talk about were your stand is. I belive if you truly wanted to hunt you would be out there. Good luck hunting and be safe . Im not saying im for the extra hunt but we have to make the best of it.

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    I guess I don’t understand why people are complaining about buying an ’08 liscense you’re going to need it next year anyway. I guess I don’t see anything wrong with the extended seasons especially doe only.

    Missoula MT, Eldridge IA
    Posts: 125

    Yep!!! All good ideas Tony, if only work and family commitments weren’t so tight. Time is truely at a premium for me this time of year. A few hours here or there just doesn’t work. Normally, I need to plan well ahead for my hunting time.

    Really don’t have an issue with other hunters, as long as I’m not over run. The areas I hunt, are really pretty good for deer, but tend to get hit hard by bird hunters in between deer seasons. (Although, I must say at times those bird hunters do seem to help move the deer around. that is, as long as they know you are there and you don’t get peppered. Twice last year and they knew I was there, hunter orange and all!)

    Personally, I don’t have a real problem with the extra season. Lord knows we have enough deer. Just really wish it would have been a differant weekend instead of the one I’d been planning on!!! My only hope is if I happen to get sick in the next couple of days. If you get out, good luck and stay low!!!


    As far as the 08 license is concerned…IMHO if you are going to extend the muzzle loader season, why not go ahead and extend the general license too? Just seems to make sense to me. I can’t speak for anyone else but, in my job I don’t know if I’ll be in this state next year. (20+ years doing the same job at 18 differant locations.) Just can’t see buying one unless I know I’ll really get to use it.

    Manitowoc, WI
    Posts: 183

    If they want to avoid this they will need to take some extreme measures. Mandatory Earn-A-Buck would probably solve this but without a visual registry like Wisconsin’s it wouldn’t be nearly as effective.

    nora springs ia floyd
    Posts: 518

    I got alot of ifs on this whole season.Iwonder how many first season hunters were going to go to southern or eastern Ia in there original plans and decided not to travel in the bad weather and now will stay close to home and possibly harvest does in area,s that are not so populated.Ijust hope this is the last of surprizes for this year and years to come.I know that alot of calls were made to voice concerns on there decision.But I also worry about the number of calls to state reps thanking them for killing more deer.

    Posts: 214

    It is good to see the dnr actually looking at harvest numbers and making adjustments as needed. Anyone one who complains about should have shot more does! If you did shoot your limit of does congrates and help someone else shoot thier’s.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Also hunters MUST call in and register there deer.Just take 5 and do it .If you do not how will they get an accurate count.It is know big deal the register will help us in the long run.

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