Every year i try to find new hunting land for bow hunting in the fall I can’t tell you how excited i get when i have my eyes set on a particular piece of property and permission is granted from the landowner
One of my favorite parts about hunting solo is that i can scout on my own and figure out the patterns of deer. Also, i don’t have to worry about other hunters’ scent control practices
So opening day arrives and i obviously am psyched about being the only person hunting a 300 acre prime whitetail country
However, i find out that 4 other guys are hunting the same property where they got permission 6 years prior to this year and never bothered asking again
To make a long story short, these guys go by the saying, “If it’s brown it’s down!”, spray down w/ SK but smoke in their stands
, don’t watch the wind, gun hunt, and the list goes on.
The deer have become so educated that movement has drastically declined since september, the 150-180 acre corn field is a primary food source for deer in the late season and by the looks at the deer tracks, they are not eating the corn very much I am just sick of putting so much time into this sport and having MY hunt get screwed up because of other hunters and their poor judgments
What i want to know is, how do you guys find good hunting land where no one else hunts? Is it just going door to door, knowing people that know someone, that know someone Im mainly looking for land for late season and next season but i want to hear how you guys get so lucky at finding good land