by no means am i an expert on QDM. but in the past 3 years i have personally had the best success in my hunting career in MN. I have spent countless hours in a tree stand letting small buck after small buck walk by while waiting for MR BIG.
this year i spent at least an hour at a local registration station both Sat/Sun of opening weekend talking w/ a friend of mine who works there and it was one of the saddest things i have ever experienced. not only did people have deer coming in-n-out of there but, i would guess that of the 40-50 deer that i saw in both days, 60%of them were 1.5 yr old bucks. 25-30 of the deer were small bucks. of the other 25-30 there were 2 bucks that were 2.5 and i didn’t see one buck that was older.
this tells me something when people say “we just don’t get big racked deer in our area” or “i’m a meat hunter”. which i don’t have a problem w/ anyone shooting a small buck. it just irritates me when i hear hunters make these comments. oh, and let’s not forget the classic “where are all the big bucks at?” that’s when i tell the 4 guys that pull up w/ 3 small 6 pts. and a button buck to look in the back of there truck. there’s 4 right there 3-4 years from now.
I could write about “Managing Deer” deer all day but it really doesn’t pay. regardless of what i do or say the 1-2 weekend a year hunter is going to shoot the 1st deer or small buck that walks by. he/she is more then likely not going to take a picture w/it and when the rack gets cut off(if they do cut it off) it will lay on a shelf in the garage or get thrown away after time because it doesn’t have an appreciation behind it.
like i stated before… you want to know where all of MN’s big bucks are??? go to a registration station and watch for an hour or 2 on Gun Opener. you will see all the “what could’ve been MONSTERS” you can imagine and unless the MN DNR was managing for BIG RACKED BUCKS, this trend will continue.
My hat is off to other states that have a better mature buck population. the hunters in those states seem to have a better understanding of what it takes to put the odds in there favor of harvesting trophy animals regardless of Non-Resident Lic. costs