• robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Man, this weather is just what the BIG BUCK DOCTOR ordered. I’m heading to Northern ND this week for some late season bow hunting just North of Cooperstown and they are talking highs almost in the single digits. I’m pumped to get up there and see some hoggs in the fresh snow. Who else is heading out this weekend for some late season action? Where and how are you guys hunting???

    I will be out with my bow and will be sitting, still hunting and doing some pushes for some of those shelter belt deer.

    Good Luck everyone who is still chasing Mr. Big like me.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I’ll be out Friday for the doe only late season gun hunt in WI. Good tracking and stalking snow. Should be fun.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    If I didn’t have to film TV shows on the ice the next two weeks I would love this weather….for me, it could have held off two weeks.

    The big boys are showing themselves earlier the last couple days on the food plots

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22914

    I am going to Brainerd this weekend with a buddy from work. Hopefully, Mr. Big gets it. I will be muzzleloading. Good luck Lip

    big g

    Posts: 9301

    Heading out in about an hour with the smoke pole. Went out sunday in the 30 mph winds and 10 degree weather, but didn’t see anything. The sky is completely blue right now. I have a feeling that this may be the night. My five year old will be my camera man.

    Posts: 214

    Going 2marrow! Try and do some trackin in the snow!!!!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Good luck guys

    Sounds like a possiblity of some more snow!

    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    Heading out to HayCreek area Friday with the smoke pole looking for Mr. Big, harvested a management deer last Sunday. Got the blood pumping now.

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946


    I’ll be out Friday for the doe only late season gun hunt in WI. Good tracking and stalking snow. Should be fun.

    Stalking snow??? I was out hunting the Hager City area with the muzzleloader on Monday with a couple of friends. With the freezing rain we had last Saturday night the snow had such a hard crust the deer were already gone before the beginning of the drive began???? CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH! Hopefully this last snow will quiet things down!

    Posts: 2014


    If I didn’t have to film TV shows on the ice the next two weeks I would love this weather….for me, it could have held off two weeks.

    The big boys are showing themselves earlier the last couple days on the food plots

    Leave me some notes and I’ll take your spot on the ice so you can go chase the big boys!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22914

    I just stepped outside, and we are in a deep freeze, here in St Cloud, holy schnikeys !!!

    big g…. brrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    It was 1 degree here when I pulled into the garage at 6 tonight. Glad I don’t have to be outside tonight. she’s gotta be making some ice though.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    As many I absolutely live for this time of year. In my area the deer are already semi-herding and hitting the winter rye like clockwork. I’ve seen 4 different bucks in the last 2 days and walked within 150 yrds of a bedded young buck on my way out this afternoon. What a cool site watching him just stare at me as I watched him through the pine trees. Good luck in ND!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    -4 right now in Blaine


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22914

    -11 in Cloud….

    big g

    West Salem, WI
    Posts: 427

    With the snow and cold temps I’ve seen a few nice bucks this week out early…but I don’t have a buck tag. I did get a doe w/ the muzzleloader on tuesday. With the hard ice crust on the snow here, the deer are sticking to the few trails they have blazed. When they were breaking trail sunday and monday you could here them coming from the other side of the valley. Good luck!

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 214

    Heading back up to the Verndale area tomorrow with the muzzy. Saw a BUNCH of deer last weekend, even in the blizzard but no shooters. My biggest problem is that I have 9 stands to choose from……noone else muzzle load hunts so I have the place to myself. Sit on one stand, and wonder if you should have gone to the other stand….back and forth…back and forth…gives you something to think about though.

    Good luck to everyone this weekend!!!!

    Posts: 1399

    This snow is awesome! It took the deer in the Ely area exactly 1 day after the last big snow to herd up. Last weekend I was seeing them in a recent clearcut and they were out in full force all day long. This weekend sounds even better with more snow and temperatures not above freezing….oh, and did I mention NOT ANOTHER SOUL IN THE WOODS! I got a feeling the Thompson is gonna roar real soon…

    Maple Grove MN
    Posts: 13

    I went to check out a local wma with my bow yesterday morning that isnt too far from cabelas since I had to run to cabelas anyways. I didnt realize how cold it was until I got out of the truck. This is my first year with the bow and I found out really fast that my release will only fit on lighter gloves. I also didnt take into account the aluminum frame of the bow or the metal part of my win free flight release being so cold on the grip. It just made it easier to still hunt because I had to stop and ball my fingers up in the palm of the gloves every few minutes to warm my fingertips . Im glad winter is finally here. I am going to try and get out a few more times if I can find a spot worth hunting. I would really like to get my first deer with bow and not ready to give up yet. I have to use up a couple of vacation days. It wont be too long and it will be over and I will have to revert back to fishing.

    Posts: 864

    buddy arrowed a monster by brainard last weekend will get picks out. gonna do some drives with bow this weekend

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