Thanksgiving bucks

  • mossboss
    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    My dad and I went out Thanksgiving morning for the first time since a frustrating opening weekend in WI. He went in a stand I have in a open valley between two hillside woodlands, and I went up to the top of a bluff above him, about 8 O’Clock I hear a sngle shot, and he radioed me and said he had a nice buck and he thinks he hit it and it disappeared in a brushy ravine. Well, I put the sneak on the ravine from above after waiting about 30 minutes, and I found it dead in the ravine, one through the lungs at about 150 yards. It was walking the hillside into the wind between some cedars heading back in the valley. Really intersting 9 point, 16 inch inside spread, tall rack with real tall brow tines, had a couple of tines broken off as well. I dragged it out and gutted it for him. We threw it on the truck and decided to head into town for Thanksgiving dinner.

    On the way out, I noticed the neighbors across the highway doing a drive so I pulled into the cut cornfield on our side of the road, got out of my truck and took a seat. About 5 minutes later I hear one shot from the poster nearest me on the drive, and 2 mintues later I see a buck pop out of the Creek and start running across the cornfield. Shot him at 212 yards on the rangefinder (post mortem). 10 pointer with a 18 inch inside spread, nice symmetry, would have been a really nice rack if it had taller G2’s, but I’m not complaining, as it is the most points and biggest spread of any buck I have taken.

    Had my camera in the field with us, as I like the field pics better, but of course it had dead bateries when we tried to get the first pic, so i only have shots from home.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    wow those are some great looking bucks!!!!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Nice bucks MossBoss! Good job on cashing in on the neighbor’s deer drive! Dropping a buck at 212 yards running had to be a good feeling.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Way to go Dan! And hear you told me you didn’t have them tied up!

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792


    Nice bucks MossBoss! Good job on cashing in on the neighbor’s deer drive! Dropping a buck at 212 yards running had to be a good feeling.

    Thanks alot. In full disclosure, he was slowed to a fast trot when I shot. I’m not a great deer hunter, but I am a pretty good shot! The Tikka .270 is a tack driver. With a rest, I’m confident to 250, and a real good rest to 300+, given little crosswind. I do love long range shooting, and the shot did make me feel good.

    Posts: 864

    Bet that was agreat father/son experience!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    How about that for a good day hunting Nice bucks and heck of a shot

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    MossBoss, is that Deer heart in the back of that truck? I haven’t eaten that in a long time.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    No, it’s actually the rag I used to clean my hands off after gutting mine.

    We did keep the heart out of the doe my uncle shot Friday. None for me though, I’m just not a heart eater. My other uncle used to keep the heart and the liver.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Great looking deer, congrats to you both!


    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    Beautiful bucks! Nice job

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Good day. I too think its funny how you cashed in on the neighbors drive. Did you drive by to thank them?

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Congrats to you and your dad on some nice bucks ..You gotta love hunters who “drive” deer…nothing like kickin them out of their property into yours …Jay

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Great couple of bucks! Nothing like a double! Congrats!

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