Funny how things work out. I was sitting in Spirit lake, Iowa Friday afternoon, working an Ethanol Plant dreaming about all the opening day stories from my buddies back home in Illinois. Then around 4:00 in the afternoon my boss says you can go home if you want. I have never left a job so quick in my life.
Needless to say, the 6 and half hour ride home was full of anticipation on I-90. Got home around midnight and loaded up all my gear and the quad. Told my wife I couldn’t sleep. She ( I must politely say took care of that!!!)
4:45 I was on the road for the farm in Belvidere, Illinois.
About 7:00 a.m deer started heading passed me, does, scrapper buck, forkhorns. Nothing really caught my attention. So at 10:00 a.m I saw a huge doe running with two others, and popped her. I got down to goto lunch, and reached for my knife to field dress her. NO knife!! Had to call my wife Valerie and ask her to meet me at the farm. As I was waiting I saw this buck come off the hillside behind the farmhouse hot on some doe directly at me. Frantically loaded my gun and headed towards the powerlines where i could hopefully intercept him. I waited what seemed like ten minutes for him to pop out of the scrub brush that runs underneath the power lines. He came out just where i had hoped. I remember as I shot his back dropped straight down. All I could do was Let off a big whooooooooooopeeeeeeeee!!! Right then my wife taps me on the shoulder and says ( Here’s your knife!!, Thanks for getting me out here to see you act like a goofball., It was quite entertaining!)She saw the whole thing.. Gotta love it.
When we caped him we found 9 puncture wounds in his hide. Plus his face was all swollen on one side. Truly my finest deer so far.