What a fun hunt I had this opener!
Saturday I saw this 8 point hanging with as many as 22 does at a time. I watched him for more then 2 hours. He was chasing off a couple of smaller bucks, but really had no significant interest in the does. As the first picture shows, he was 1/4 mile away on the neighbors land. Too far too even see without zooming in. He’s right on the edge of the plowed flied in pic 1. I got a decent pic of him though the binocs, which was very cool. We got to talk about him that night at deer camp, looking at him on the digital camera.
On Saturday I did see a couple of smaller bucks that I passed on, but did manage a doe for the freezer.
On Sunday morning, exactly 2 minutes after legal shooting time, he walks out on my land, 75 yards from me, broadside. He’s almost perfectly symetrical and the rack is only 2 inches from touching in the front.
I sat out in my blind for about 10 hours Saturday. There were so many deer out and about, that it didnt even seem like 1/2 that time.
By far my funnest deer hunt to date !