Question about Sighting in

  • cav90
    Chisago City, MN
    Posts: 79

    A buddy of mine told me that you cannot sight in your gun on private land 48 hours before gun opener. I’ve checked the regs and can’t seem to find this rule anywhere. Does anyone know if this is true. Thanks,

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    I think it would be a good idea not to sight your gun in a couple days before the season. That could attract unwanted attention.

    Just my $.02

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    I think it would be a good idea not to sight your gun in a couple days before the season. That could attract unwanted attention.

    Just my $.02

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22912

    I know this used to be the case, if you were in posession of a license to hunt deer, then you could not discharge any firearm other than at a range, 2 days prior to the hunt opener. Now you can buy a license 10 minutes before the season starts and it is immediately valid, only after the hunt opens, is there a waiting period. To further confuse, this does not apply to bonus tags, they are good immediately after purchase. I sifted through the regs, and that section has been ommitted, so I would guess that you can sight in anytime prior or during !!!

    big g

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22912

    I know this used to be the case, if you were in posession of a license to hunt deer, then you could not discharge any firearm other than at a range, 2 days prior to the hunt opener. Now you can buy a license 10 minutes before the season starts and it is immediately valid, only after the hunt opens, is there a waiting period. To further confuse, this does not apply to bonus tags, they are good immediately after purchase. I sifted through the regs, and that section has been ommitted, so I would guess that you can sight in anytime prior or during !!!

    big g

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    Courtesy of the 2007 MNDNR hunting regulation book.

    Possession of Firearms Before, During, and
    After the Firearms Deer Season
    (Note: This section does not apply to the Muzzleloader Season,
    see page 90, except that muzzleloaders legal for deer may be possessed
    only by persons with a muzzleloader or all-season deer license during
    that season.)
    No person may possess a firearm or ammunition outdoors during
    the period beginning the fifth day before the open firearms season
    and ending
    the second day after the close of the season within an area
    where deer may be legally taken by firearms (see page 31), except:
    • A person who has a valid firearms big game license in possession
    may hunt big game during the open season with a firearm and
    for big game.
    • Possession is also legal under these conditions:
    a) An unloaded firearm that is in a case or in a closed trunk of a
    motor vehicle.
    b) A shotgun and shells containing No. 4 buckshot or smaller
    lead shot or nontoxic shot.
    c) A .22 caliber rimfire handgun or rifle with .22 caliber short,
    long, or long rifle cartridges.
    d) Handguns possessed by a person with a carry permit.
    e) On an authorized target range.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    Courtesy of the 2007 MNDNR hunting regulation book.

    Possession of Firearms Before, During, and
    After the Firearms Deer Season
    (Note: This section does not apply to the Muzzleloader Season,
    see page 90, except that muzzleloaders legal for deer may be possessed
    only by persons with a muzzleloader or all-season deer license during
    that season.)
    No person may possess a firearm or ammunition outdoors during
    the period beginning the fifth day before the open firearms season
    and ending
    the second day after the close of the season within an area
    where deer may be legally taken by firearms (see page 31), except:
    • A person who has a valid firearms big game license in possession
    may hunt big game during the open season with a firearm and
    for big game.
    • Possession is also legal under these conditions:
    a) An unloaded firearm that is in a case or in a closed trunk of a
    motor vehicle.
    b) A shotgun and shells containing No. 4 buckshot or smaller
    lead shot or nontoxic shot.
    c) A .22 caliber rimfire handgun or rifle with .22 caliber short,
    long, or long rifle cartridges.
    d) Handguns possessed by a person with a carry permit.
    e) On an authorized target range.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22912

    What page did you find this on ?

    big g

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22912

    What page did you find this on ?

    big g

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