Doe in a can should be illegal !!!!

  • jorgy
    Posts: 131

    Just like some people think aqua views should be illegal. I own one and it is awesome. Doe in the can works so good i’m surprised know one has mentioned that. I forgot to mention in my post yesterday about the can. I started rattling and grunting about 7:15, when I could see good. aAfter about 15 min. I forgot I brought the can with me and let that go 3 time. It took about five min. and I see a buck walking down the woodline and he must of found a doe trail because he took a immediate right turn and walked into the woods. So than about three minutes laters, that monster came out headed right for me. So instead of calling or anything I knocked my release and got ready. Once again finds that doe trail just like he hit a T in the road walked into the woods. Good thing he was only about 80 yards away, try that this weekend buddy. My last point I had about 7 deer running hot laps about 150 yds from my stand, 5 does and 2 scrubs they finally left. A bambi came by me, I grunted just to mess around with him and he walked right directly underneath my stand and was nuzzling the buck bomb canister I launched down there. Anyways they fInally all left and about 10 minutes later. I do the can again and it wasn’t five minutes later, just like robots here all 7 come walking single file this time about 7 yards from my stand though the brush not the trail. My opionion there is alot more to that call than just to call in big bucks. My most valueable tool. good luck everyone.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2853

    jorgy, That’s nuts! I have one with me at all times but rarely ever use it. I’ve tried over many years messing with young bucks and they seem to pay no attention to it. Although about 7 years ago I was on stand on a really foggy morning and hit the can and it wasn’t 1 minute until a doe was right there. What are others experience with the can calls? Maybe I need to put the true talker down for once and try the can again. Sounds like you got some great property to hunt!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2853

    jorgy, That’s nuts! I have one with me at all times but rarely ever use it. I’ve tried over many years messing with young bucks and they seem to pay no attention to it. Although about 7 years ago I was on stand on a really foggy morning and hit the can and it wasn’t 1 minute until a doe was right there. What are others experience with the can calls? Maybe I need to put the true talker down for once and try the can again. Sounds like you got some great property to hunt!

    Posts: 131

    I know there has been other situations me or other people have told me about. I’m tellin you its magic its just a all around call that works anytime. We”ll see during muzzleloader. Talk to ya later.

    Posts: 131

    I know there has been other situations me or other people have told me about. I’m tellin you its magic its just a all around call that works anytime. We”ll see during muzzleloader. Talk to ya later.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    I had allot of action on the stand last night, had three fawns running around all over the place playing in and out of the woods and back into the field, they ran under my tree just inside the woods several times. When they finally settled down they went into the field with another doe to feed, I started using the can also tried the True Talker and tickled the rattle bag a bit to see if I could draw them back. They would just look up and then go back to eating. By now I have lost legal shooting light and now I am hearing a buck grunt getting closer and closer, by the time he got to my tree it was dark enough that I could not tell how big he was but he looked decent. I have had good results with the can and the True Talker, I never go into the woods with out them same goes for my rattle bag.
    Things are defiantly starting to heat up!!!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    I had allot of action on the stand last night, had three fawns running around all over the place playing in and out of the woods and back into the field, they ran under my tree just inside the woods several times. When they finally settled down they went into the field with another doe to feed, I started using the can also tried the True Talker and tickled the rattle bag a bit to see if I could draw them back. They would just look up and then go back to eating. By now I have lost legal shooting light and now I am hearing a buck grunt getting closer and closer, by the time he got to my tree it was dark enough that I could not tell how big he was but he looked decent. I have had good results with the can and the True Talker, I never go into the woods with out them same goes for my rattle bag.
    Things are defiantly starting to heat up!!!

    North Metro
    Posts: 539

    Used the Can alot and for the most part I use it when I can visually see and how deer react, honestly it doesnt seem to draw deer, they snap up and look the first time, then usually dont even pay attention to it. I mostly mess with young bucks and does. I have had deer react to the Can, some dont do anything?

    North Metro
    Posts: 539

    Used the Can alot and for the most part I use it when I can visually see and how deer react, honestly it doesnt seem to draw deer, they snap up and look the first time, then usually dont even pay attention to it. I mostly mess with young bucks and does. I have had deer react to the Can, some dont do anything?

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Not a fan of the Can either. I leave mine at home now. On another note, the deer really seemed to be out last night. I say 4 different bucks and had one pestering a doe all night. Nothing worth shooting, but nice activity.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Not a fan of the Can either. I leave mine at home now. On another note, the deer really seemed to be out last night. I say 4 different bucks and had one pestering a doe all night. Nothing worth shooting, but nice activity.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I have had a can work once, but I have used it several times with nothing more than a look from several different bucks I have had in sight.

    I think they need to be in the right “mood” to react to the can… the mood for a hot Doe.

    The only time mine worked I was sitting on a field edge in taller grass sitting on one of those “seat-a-tree” seats that strap to the tree. The buck that came in I didnt know was there, I was looking at a big 8 that I took a shot at earlier in the field about 50 yards down near the end of shooting time trying to get it a little closer for a shot(bow hunting). The buck that came in behind me I did not know was there until I heard a very loud snort/wheeze which scared the heck out of me(very close), I turned my head to see nothing but antlers(head down) and the deer coming at me. I managed to get my hand up just in time to have it full of antlers, got ripped out of my seat but managed to stay on my feet. All I seen from there was antlers and the back end of the deer bucking like a bronco. It wasnt long before I lost my balance and I instinctively tried to get my bow between myself and the deer while stumbling. At that time the deer made a single hop past the tall grass into the brush and I couldnt see it anymore.

    As I regathered my bearings, bow still in hand, and another arrow nocked, I looked around and the 8 in the field was gone, but there will still about 20 deer in the field with me standing in it. I back-pedaled to a large round hay bale near by and got on top of it and started calling everyone I knew near by to pick me up in that field.. nobody was home, or couldnt get there. That was the scariest walk out of the field I have ever had. That 400 yards back to the truck seemed like 100 miles.

    The best I could figure is the large buck that attacked me came looking for a doe and found me. Rather than running away, it insisted that I leave. The situation could have been much worse, I was a bit twisted and bruised up, but no major injury. To this day I have no idea how many points that deer had, or ever seen the buck again. All I know is the points on the rack were huge, and deer are insanely strong.

    If you use the can… make sure your sitting in an elevated position. I have never bowhunted off the ground after that incident.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I have had a can work once, but I have used it several times with nothing more than a look from several different bucks I have had in sight.

    I think they need to be in the right “mood” to react to the can… the mood for a hot Doe.

    The only time mine worked I was sitting on a field edge in taller grass sitting on one of those “seat-a-tree” seats that strap to the tree. The buck that came in I didnt know was there, I was looking at a big 8 that I took a shot at earlier in the field about 50 yards down near the end of shooting time trying to get it a little closer for a shot(bow hunting). The buck that came in behind me I did not know was there until I heard a very loud snort/wheeze which scared the heck out of me(very close), I turned my head to see nothing but antlers(head down) and the deer coming at me. I managed to get my hand up just in time to have it full of antlers, got ripped out of my seat but managed to stay on my feet. All I seen from there was antlers and the back end of the deer bucking like a bronco. It wasnt long before I lost my balance and I instinctively tried to get my bow between myself and the deer while stumbling. At that time the deer made a single hop past the tall grass into the brush and I couldnt see it anymore.

    As I regathered my bearings, bow still in hand, and another arrow nocked, I looked around and the 8 in the field was gone, but there will still about 20 deer in the field with me standing in it. I back-pedaled to a large round hay bale near by and got on top of it and started calling everyone I knew near by to pick me up in that field.. nobody was home, or couldnt get there. That was the scariest walk out of the field I have ever had. That 400 yards back to the truck seemed like 100 miles.

    The best I could figure is the large buck that attacked me came looking for a doe and found me. Rather than running away, it insisted that I leave. The situation could have been much worse, I was a bit twisted and bruised up, but no major injury. To this day I have no idea how many points that deer had, or ever seen the buck again. All I know is the points on the rack were huge, and deer are insanely strong.

    If you use the can… make sure your sitting in an elevated position. I have never bowhunted off the ground after that incident.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    A truly amazing story David. Glad to hear that you survived it! Thanks for sharing.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    A truly amazing story David. Glad to hear that you survived it! Thanks for sharing.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    WOW Dave. Good to hear not too much damage was done.

    I have used the can with mixed results, but it does work when conidtions are right, with out a doubt.

    You must remember just like fishing, all these tatctics and tricks do not work every time. But, using them in the right situation/time can make all the difference in the world.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    WOW Dave. Good to hear not too much damage was done.

    I have used the can with mixed results, but it does work when conidtions are right, with out a doubt.

    You must remember just like fishing, all these tatctics and tricks do not work every time. But, using them in the right situation/time can make all the difference in the world.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22356

    Holy Moly….. what more can a guy say ???

    big g

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22356

    Holy Moly….. what more can a guy say ???

    big g

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Wow Dave, glad you made it through all that. Deer are amazingly strong just like you said, youd have to come in contact with one to find out and I don’t suggest that. My first buck I arrowed was hit behind the ribs. He ran and bled all night and I found him alive the next morning expecting him to be dead. All I had was my skinning knife and thats it. I ran him down several times and when I finally got a chance at cutting his throat after he laid down on a small sand rise in the creek I did and he came up on all fours. I grabbed his rack because he charged me and all I could think of was hang on and whatever I did don’t let go. He stopped and I rolled him over on his side and under water and sat on him. He still pushed me up and out of the water with his throat cut and inhaling water and finially he died. I’ll never go after a wounded deer again, buck or doe without my bow, I agree Dave they ARE insanely strong, no doubt about that, I know I won’t do it again.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Wow Dave, glad you made it through all that. Deer are amazingly strong just like you said, youd have to come in contact with one to find out and I don’t suggest that. My first buck I arrowed was hit behind the ribs. He ran and bled all night and I found him alive the next morning expecting him to be dead. All I had was my skinning knife and thats it. I ran him down several times and when I finally got a chance at cutting his throat after he laid down on a small sand rise in the creek I did and he came up on all fours. I grabbed his rack because he charged me and all I could think of was hang on and whatever I did don’t let go. He stopped and I rolled him over on his side and under water and sat on him. He still pushed me up and out of the water with his throat cut and inhaling water and finially he died. I’ll never go after a wounded deer again, buck or doe without my bow, I agree Dave they ARE insanely strong, no doubt about that, I know I won’t do it again.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Yes it should be illegal.. Mine fell out of my pocket at 6:05 last night, bounced off my stand and I think it crushed a log in half when it hit the ground!! Well that’s what it sounded like anyways.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Yes it should be illegal.. Mine fell out of my pocket at 6:05 last night, bounced off my stand and I think it crushed a log in half when it hit the ground!! Well that’s what it sounded like anyways.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 10

    Great post!
    I’ve used the can with little to no response and quit taking it into the woods with me. I have to believe though, that in certain situations it must work. My favorites are my True Talker grunt call and a rattle bag, in that order. I think I’ll bring my can out and try it again.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 10

    Great post!
    I’ve used the can with little to no response and quit taking it into the woods with me. I have to believe though, that in certain situations it must work. My favorites are my True Talker grunt call and a rattle bag, in that order. I think I’ll bring my can out and try it again.

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