I had one of my best evening stands ever last Tuesday! After shooting a limit of ducks in the moning (mallards, wigeon, gads), I made it to my stand by about 2 PM. Not much going on until about 4 when suddenly the switch went on. Over the next 2 hours there was non-stop activity! I saw 6 different bucks and at least 15-20 does and fawns. 3 of the bucks were yearlings (2 little sixes and a fork) and kept running the does around my stand. All of them were grunting up a storm and numerous times they did some sparring right in front of me! It really didn’t seem like they were truly chasing, just really active. Just before dark 2 decent bucks came through within about 15 yds. One was about a 120″ 8 and the other was a really wide 9 but looked like a 2.5 year old by body size and mass. Just before I climbed down I saw the big boy walking the field edge. For sure looked like a shooter, but I didn’t get a great look at him. All in all it was a really neat night to be sitting in a tree! I’ll be out all week trying for a crack at the big guy.