Half white Buck

  • paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    I was out hunting in the rain last night in Ham Lake. At about 6:20pm I see white moving thru the brush about 130 yds away. I thought how could I have spooked a deer I wasnt moving and the wind was in my face. As I looked thru my binoculars I seen it was a buck and he wasnt moving away but comming towards me. As the buck dropped into an old creek bed I was thinking I should move up and get a better shot, he followed that creek bed for what seemed like an hour, when he popped up he was closer, but not close enough. He spotted me and did the head bob trying to get me to move but I held still. By now me knees are screaming to move. Then the buck just moved on I couldnt believe it, I guess he figured I posed no threat. He was a shade of white starting at the shoulder and got whiter as you moved to his nose. It was that nose that I seen bobing thru the weeds. He stood broadside and I drew and released to watch my lumanock hit the dirt at his feet. I later learned he was 43 yards I had my 30 yard pin on his shoulder. He was an 8 pointer perfect symetry following his ears not a huge buck but the color was amazing, he only ran about 50 yds and then stood and looked around to see what the hey. I waited till dark and the quietly sliped out of the woods. If I would have connected it would have been my third buck in as many years taken in the rain. I truly love hunting the rain.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Great Story Doc.

    Get back in the saddle and let her rip again. A clean miss is better then a bad hit. It seems he was not sure what happened and I expect you to see him again. A Great Encounter

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Great Story Doc.

    Get back in the saddle and let her rip again. A clean miss is better then a bad hit. It seems he was not sure what happened and I expect you to see him again. A Great Encounter

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    Sounds like you saw a “Piebald” deer.
    Do a Google search to see pics and find out more info.
    There used to be a whole lot of them at Ft. McCoy Wis. we’d see during training.

    Good Luck,


    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    Sounds like you saw a “Piebald” deer.
    Do a Google search to see pics and find out more info.
    There used to be a whole lot of them at Ft. McCoy Wis. we’d see during training.

    Good Luck,


    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    My buddy stuck this doe last year. You can kind of see that she has 4 socks to go along with the facial markings. We had our eyes on her for a few years and she has at leat 2 off-spring that are “marked up”.

    Cool encounter Dr. and I really hope we get to see some photos of him.

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    My buddy stuck this doe last year. You can kind of see that she has 4 socks to go along with the facial markings. We had our eyes on her for a few years and she has at leat 2 off-spring that are “marked up”.

    Cool encounter Dr. and I really hope we get to see some photos of him.

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152


    My buddy stuck this doe last year. You can kind of see that she has 4 socks to go along with the facial markings. We had our eyes on her for a few years and she has at leat 2 off-spring that are “marked up”.

    Cool encounter Dr. and I really hope we get to see some photos of him.

    That is darn near exactly what he looked like thanks for sharing the pic.

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152


    My buddy stuck this doe last year. You can kind of see that she has 4 socks to go along with the facial markings. We had our eyes on her for a few years and she has at leat 2 off-spring that are “marked up”.

    Cool encounter Dr. and I really hope we get to see some photos of him.

    That is darn near exactly what he looked like thanks for sharing the pic.

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