Coon hunter in my deer woods

  • big_g
    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    TheGun, there are laws in place, that allow you to enter someones land to recover a wounded animal, no guns, but you can go in, retrieve and get out. This is in Mn, I don’t know about other states. If you read the thread, the guy asked nicely for him to keep his coon dogs out, and he blew him off. I say no more nice guy, one azzhole deserves another. Talk about the FUTURE of hunting, what if Hatchetman wasn’t a hunter, but actually despised it, and was a member of PETA, think the coon hunter would have his hands full then. Slob hunters will only ruin it for themselves and everyone else.

    big g

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Big G,
    I thought that was the case in Wisconsin also. I checked the regulations and found out different.


    Remember: Although hunters are required to make a reasonable effort to retrieve game they have killed or injured, hunters may not trespass to retrieve such game,
    even if the game was shot from outside the posted area. Ask first for permission.

    I wish everyone still had the same attitude that you do regarding their land. Unfortunately, those days are long gone. I use to have permission to hunt a ton of premium property around the Hudson area. Not no more. If you don’t have good friends or family that own the land, good luck hunting on public property.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Big G,
    I thought that was the case in Wisconsin also. I checked the regulations and found out different.


    Remember: Although hunters are required to make a reasonable effort to retrieve game they have killed or injured, hunters may not trespass to retrieve such game,
    even if the game was shot from outside the posted area. Ask first for permission.

    I wish everyone still had the same attitude that you do regarding their land. Unfortunately, those days are long gone. I use to have permission to hunt a ton of premium property around the Hudson area. Not no more. If you don’t have good friends or family that own the land, good luck hunting on public property.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108


    TheGun, there are laws in place, that allow you to enter someones land to recover a wounded animal, no guns, but you can go in, retrieve and get out. This is in Mn, I don’t know about other states.

    This regulation is a wive’s tale for Minnesota. If you are told not to enter private land, you can not go and retrieve the animal. You can call a C.O. and ask him/her for help in the matter, but you do not have legal right to enter land even if the animal is laying dead 200 yards from the boundary. I learned the hard way about 5 years ago.

    I also do not agree that you are lawful to recover your dogs if you were warned about trespassing. To be sure, call a C.O. and discuss the problem with them. It’ll save a lot of time. Good luck.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108


    TheGun, there are laws in place, that allow you to enter someones land to recover a wounded animal, no guns, but you can go in, retrieve and get out. This is in Mn, I don’t know about other states.

    This regulation is a wive’s tale for Minnesota. If you are told not to enter private land, you can not go and retrieve the animal. You can call a C.O. and ask him/her for help in the matter, but you do not have legal right to enter land even if the animal is laying dead 200 yards from the boundary. I learned the hard way about 5 years ago.

    I also do not agree that you are lawful to recover your dogs if you were warned about trespassing. To be sure, call a C.O. and discuss the problem with them. It’ll save a lot of time. Good luck.

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    this is a simple fix. just tell him that you don’t want him on your property w/ the dogs or ATV’s. then mention to him that you don’t have a problem w/ him doing it after the season and at least 1-2 months before deer season. I’m sure he recognizes a sportsman when he see’s one and knows the type of dedication it takes to be successful when hunting (nomatter what kind of hunting it is). if this guy doesn’t recognize that you are trying to work w/ him, even though it’s your property, he’s and idiot and then get the sheriff involved. Remember, treat other’s how you would like to be treated and more often then not the return will be 10 fold. later

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    this is a simple fix. just tell him that you don’t want him on your property w/ the dogs or ATV’s. then mention to him that you don’t have a problem w/ him doing it after the season and at least 1-2 months before deer season. I’m sure he recognizes a sportsman when he see’s one and knows the type of dedication it takes to be successful when hunting (nomatter what kind of hunting it is). if this guy doesn’t recognize that you are trying to work w/ him, even though it’s your property, he’s and idiot and then get the sheriff involved. Remember, treat other’s how you would like to be treated and more often then not the return will be 10 fold. later

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Page 12 & 13 in the Mn Regulations cover trespass. Click link below, scroll to page 13 and see Exceptions. You can enter, on foot, without firearm to retrieve a wounded animal. If your asked to leave, you must, they then suggest you call a CO. Then the land owner could be cited with wanton waste.

    Mn Trespass laws & EXCEPTIONS

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Page 12 & 13 in the Mn Regulations cover trespass. Click link below, scroll to page 13 and see Exceptions. You can enter, on foot, without firearm to retrieve a wounded animal. If your asked to leave, you must, they then suggest you call a CO. Then the land owner could be cited with wanton waste.

    Mn Trespass laws & EXCEPTIONS

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    BigG. I guess I was referring to the part that you can’t be on the land after being told to leave by the landowner. I didn’t know the landowner could get charged for Wonton waste. Wish I would’ve known better 5 years ago when my neighbor was chewing on my . Thanks. Learn something new everyday.

    Later boys. I gotta get ready for da swamp.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    BigG. I guess I was referring to the part that you can’t be on the land after being told to leave by the landowner. I didn’t know the landowner could get charged for Wonton waste. Wish I would’ve known better 5 years ago when my neighbor was chewing on my . Thanks. Learn something new everyday.

    Later boys. I gotta get ready for da swamp.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Mallard, this states on non-posted land only. If its posted, ask for permission, if denied, call a CO. Have fun this weekend !!! TAKE EM !!!!

    big g

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Mallard, this states on non-posted land only. If its posted, ask for permission, if denied, call a CO. Have fun this weekend !!! TAKE EM !!!!

    big g

    Posts: 1009


    if it is posted you are out your deer if land owner decides he dont want you to get the deer!

    good luck finding land that is not posted! seems it all is now days!

    By the way im not judging anyone for not letting someone hunt! It’s your right! I was just trying to get some people to thinnk about maybe letting a few hunt!

    I do respect all your opinions and i do respect all land owners and there decisions on weather to let some one hunt or not! ive been on both sides of that coin and there are good and bad outcome either way you look at it!

    I know land cost plenty to own! especially for us folks that have to work hard to pay for it!

    I never meant to make it sound like i thought anyone was a bad guy for not allowing a coon hunter hunt! I myself am not a coon hunter but i also understand that a dog on track could and do follow coon for a mile or more! with land being split all up into small 40’s or what not it makes it hard to enjoy a sport that has been around for a long time!

    I hope the coonhunter thing can come to some sort of an understanding that works for everyone!

    It sure is nice to have neighbors as friends! it really nice to have them as friends if you do not live near your hunting land! they can help keep an eye on things!

    Posts: 1009


    if it is posted you are out your deer if land owner decides he dont want you to get the deer!

    good luck finding land that is not posted! seems it all is now days!

    By the way im not judging anyone for not letting someone hunt! It’s your right! I was just trying to get some people to thinnk about maybe letting a few hunt!

    I do respect all your opinions and i do respect all land owners and there decisions on weather to let some one hunt or not! ive been on both sides of that coin and there are good and bad outcome either way you look at it!

    I know land cost plenty to own! especially for us folks that have to work hard to pay for it!

    I never meant to make it sound like i thought anyone was a bad guy for not allowing a coon hunter hunt! I myself am not a coon hunter but i also understand that a dog on track could and do follow coon for a mile or more! with land being split all up into small 40’s or what not it makes it hard to enjoy a sport that has been around for a long time!

    I hope the coonhunter thing can come to some sort of an understanding that works for everyone!

    It sure is nice to have neighbors as friends! it really nice to have them as friends if you do not live near your hunting land! they can help keep an eye on things!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239



    if it is posted you are out your deer if land owner decides he dont want you to get the deer!

    TheguN please do not take this the wrong way but that is not 100 percent correct no disrespect intended. My daughter and I just finished Youth Gun Safety Training that is put on by the MN DNR and this very topic was talked about in-depth (pun intended )

    You are correct that on posted land or non posted land in MN if the land owner says no you can not retrieve your deer you are out of luck. But like G said the hunter can then call the game warden, a game warden is an officer of the law and can do anything that the police and sheriff department do, they could write out a speeding ticket if they wanted to. So in short they are another branch of law enforcement and they can go onto the posted land and they do not need permission from the land owner. Keep in mind that when the warden comes out before he goes and retrieves your deer for you he is going to investigate to make sure that the deer was taken legal and that the hunter had permission to be on the neighboring land, if the hunter is not legal the hunter will be looking at a fine and possible prosecution. If the game warden determines that all is legal he will retrieve the deer and there is nothing that the land owner can do about it. You do not have to take my word on this call your local game warden and ask for your self he will tell you the same thing. Please remember that I am talking about MN in this reply I do not know what the laws are in Illinois.


    I hope the coonhunter thing can come to some sort of an understanding that works for everyone!

    It sure is nice to have neighbors as friends! it really nice to have them as friends if you do not live near your hunting land! they can help keep an eye on things!

    I could not agree more

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239



    if it is posted you are out your deer if land owner decides he dont want you to get the deer!

    TheguN please do not take this the wrong way but that is not 100 percent correct no disrespect intended. My daughter and I just finished Youth Gun Safety Training that is put on by the MN DNR and this very topic was talked about in-depth (pun intended )

    You are correct that on posted land or non posted land in MN if the land owner says no you can not retrieve your deer you are out of luck. But like G said the hunter can then call the game warden, a game warden is an officer of the law and can do anything that the police and sheriff department do, they could write out a speeding ticket if they wanted to. So in short they are another branch of law enforcement and they can go onto the posted land and they do not need permission from the land owner. Keep in mind that when the warden comes out before he goes and retrieves your deer for you he is going to investigate to make sure that the deer was taken legal and that the hunter had permission to be on the neighboring land, if the hunter is not legal the hunter will be looking at a fine and possible prosecution. If the game warden determines that all is legal he will retrieve the deer and there is nothing that the land owner can do about it. You do not have to take my word on this call your local game warden and ask for your self he will tell you the same thing. Please remember that I am talking about MN in this reply I do not know what the laws are in Illinois.


    I hope the coonhunter thing can come to some sort of an understanding that works for everyone!

    It sure is nice to have neighbors as friends! it really nice to have them as friends if you do not live near your hunting land! they can help keep an eye on things!

    I could not agree more

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Let’s get this settled down to the basic facts……

    #1: We are talking Illinois here. Not MN, WI, IA, NE.

    Doing a very simple google search, I found this:
    agricultural tresspassing in Illinios

    Since we are specifically talking about Illinois, all the other state’s laws DO NOT apply!

    #2: This has nothing to do with dogs or “the dogs rights”, or the hunter (trespasser) rights…………THEY HAVE NONE! If he cannot control his dogs, then let the sheriff control them by siezing the animals when they enter your property, and taking them into a shelter.

    The correction for this is blantently simple. Since you already informed the trespasser not to trespass and he informed you he would “continue” because of his “dogs”……..Then call the sheriff on him and ask for criminal charges to be applied.

    Too bad your neighbor has created hard feelings and has no respect. Maybe a little jail time or hefty fine will help him learn???

    I have ZERO tolerance for trespassers.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Let’s get this settled down to the basic facts……

    #1: We are talking Illinois here. Not MN, WI, IA, NE.

    Doing a very simple google search, I found this:
    agricultural tresspassing in Illinios

    Since we are specifically talking about Illinois, all the other state’s laws DO NOT apply!

    #2: This has nothing to do with dogs or “the dogs rights”, or the hunter (trespasser) rights…………THEY HAVE NONE! If he cannot control his dogs, then let the sheriff control them by siezing the animals when they enter your property, and taking them into a shelter.

    The correction for this is blantently simple. Since you already informed the trespasser not to trespass and he informed you he would “continue” because of his “dogs”……..Then call the sheriff on him and ask for criminal charges to be applied.

    Too bad your neighbor has created hard feelings and has no respect. Maybe a little jail time or hefty fine will help him learn???

    I have ZERO tolerance for trespassers.

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 709

    Illinois law does not grant the right of
    trespass for the purpose of retrieving
    wounded or crippled wildlife or hunting
    dogs.You must secure permission from
    the landowner or tenant before entering
    any property. Remember, your conduct
    while hunting and trapping can influence
    the landowner’s decision to let you
    or other sportsmen hunt or trap in the future

    Hunting on the preserve is not allowed, dogs must be leashed.
    There is also no mention of ATVing on the preserve so it is probably prohibited

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 709

    Illinois law does not grant the right of
    trespass for the purpose of retrieving
    wounded or crippled wildlife or hunting
    dogs.You must secure permission from
    the landowner or tenant before entering
    any property. Remember, your conduct
    while hunting and trapping can influence
    the landowner’s decision to let you
    or other sportsmen hunt or trap in the future

    Hunting on the preserve is not allowed, dogs must be leashed.
    There is also no mention of ATVing on the preserve so it is probably prohibited

    northern illinois
    Posts: 55

    OK; update on the coon hunter in my woods. I went there to scout for deer signs (and him) yesterday. I seen no signs of him and plenty of deer signs. Still gota keep an eye out but I think he must be running his dogs somewhere else. Were looking forward to a great season. So far a complete success. ———H

    northern illinois
    Posts: 55

    OK; update on the coon hunter in my woods. I went there to scout for deer signs (and him) yesterday. I seen no signs of him and plenty of deer signs. Still gota keep an eye out but I think he must be running his dogs somewhere else. Were looking forward to a great season. So far a complete success. ———H

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    That is great news! Good luck on the new land!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    That is great news! Good luck on the new land!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Good news for sure!!! I really think I need to come down and investigate all this “deer sign” for myself… Maybe bring my Bow with too….

    Good luck and shoot straight !!!

    big g

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Good news for sure!!! I really think I need to come down and investigate all this “deer sign” for myself… Maybe bring my Bow with too….

    Good luck and shoot straight !!!

    big g

    Posts: 864

    Good to hear he is being respectful. Hope it all pays off for ya.

    Posts: 864

    Good to hear he is being respectful. Hope it all pays off for ya.

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    I just seen this post and cannot believe how many people clump all of us coon hunters together. Yes this guy sounds ignorant but not all coon hunters and especially there dogs are this way. Everyone thinks I should control my dogs and I agree 100 percent exept there are times you dump them out of the box and they have the scent before even hitting the dirt and are gone and will not listen for nothing. I’m not trying to defend this guys actions at all just to say we are not all bad hunters by nature. I would not go zipping thru someones land on an ATV and I stop hunting for shotgun seasons down here and also know all of my neighbors that muzzeloader hunt and bowhunt and stay out of there way, most of the time except when my dog gets that bull headed streak. please remember we are all hunters after the same results and don’t assume all coon dog hunters are ruining everything.


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