I’m sure this will make me unpopular, but I have to play devil’s advocate here. I hunted a lot of coon growing up, and I just have a couple of points to make. Dogs can’t read. This guy is hunting on public property that ajoins yours. The dogs don’t know where the property lines are.In minnesota you can WALK in and retreave your dog off of private property. You don’t need permission. You can’t use an ATV, and you can’t shoot the coon, but you can get your dog back. I’m not sure what the law is if you have been told to stay off though. I don’t know if this guy has good dogs, or not, but if the dogs don’t run deer, and he does it a lot, It will not bother the deer. Back when I hunted a lot, I watched deer in a field keep eating, while the dogs ran acoss the other end of the field. The resident deer were used to dogs, and payed little attention to them. My other comment is to anyone who joking or otherwise makes comments about shooting, or setting traps for this guys dogs. What do you say when people talk of banning guns. I’ts not the guns fault, it’s the people with the guns. Well it’s the same thing here. Bad behavior by this guy is not the dogs fault. They are just doing what they are bred to do. Just like a good bird dog, a good coon dog is a very valuble, and hurting them, only exposes you to legal problems. If you do something to injure or kill these dogs remember this. You are not the Local, who’s side are the local sherrif, and local warden going to take. I am not saying this guy is in the right, Just trying to show the other side. Best of luck, I hope things turn out for you.