Is Scent Blocker a crock?

  • protourbaits
    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    One thing that i will say is that Scent Blocker, Scentlok, etc, do not cover your entire scent! However, as Lip was saying, It gives ME the confidence that i need when a deer ends up going downwind of me when i have my stand set up for their other approach, that they wont get a whif of me. Even though i wear scent eliminating clothing, does not mean that i am 100% confident. I ALWAYS spray myself down before EVERY hunt, i never store my clothes in anything else than a plastic storage bin, i always shower before a hunt, ALWAYS hunt a stand w/ a good wind or don’t hunt it at all, never wear my clothes in the house, always dress outside and not in the truck, And the list goes on!!!

    Every experienced bow hunter will say that wind direction is a MAJOR role when it comes getting close to big whitetails. Which is why i said before that i won’t hunt a stand unless the wind is in my favor!! And a lot of people dont watch the wind even though they wear scent blocker or scentlok and believe it’s a hoaks.

    Which is why you should
    -always bathe before a hunt
    -always store your clothes in a container away from other odors
    -always spray down
    -AND WATCH THE WIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posts: 1399

    All kidding aside, I would take QUIET hunting clothes over those that proclaim to block my scent any day. Deer are most apt to smell you from downwind, which you have some control over in your set-up, but they can hear you from ALL DIRECTIONS…just something to consider next time you head out to buy new hunting garments. Seems to me many of the hunting garment manufacturers forsake quiet clothing for dark camo “blob” clothing that is noisy, doesn’t break up your image, but hey….atleast the deer won’t smell you. HUH?

    Posts: 1399

    All kidding aside, I would take QUIET hunting clothes over those that proclaim to block my scent any day. Deer are most apt to smell you from downwind, which you have some control over in your set-up, but they can hear you from ALL DIRECTIONS…just something to consider next time you head out to buy new hunting garments. Seems to me many of the hunting garment manufacturers forsake quiet clothing for dark camo “blob” clothing that is noisy, doesn’t break up your image, but hey….atleast the deer won’t smell you. HUH?

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080


    Well put DD. I couldn’t agree more.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080


    Well put DD. I couldn’t agree more.

    Milan IL
    Posts: 804

    You can do a easy test for yourself, pour some skunk scent or fox urine on a t shirt then put it inside carbon suit jacket, you will be able to smell it still but about 1/3 as strong as if in a reagular my opinion is can you just forget the wind and hunt? NEVER!!! Does it help Abosolutley!

    Milan IL
    Posts: 804

    You can do a easy test for yourself, pour some skunk scent or fox urine on a t shirt then put it inside carbon suit jacket, you will be able to smell it still but about 1/3 as strong as if in a reagular my opinion is can you just forget the wind and hunt? NEVER!!! Does it help Abosolutley!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    There are a few subjects I generally choose not to discuss because it usually does not change my viewpoint or anyone else’s. Some of these subjects include religion, politics and abortion. Now…. I’m thinking I need to add scent lock clothing to the list!

    I agree with what was posted by Lip, big G, Shrumy, swimming jig and protourbaits. For me it’s pretty simple reasoning – It’s all about odds. If I can increase my odds (even if it’s only 1%) in regard to harvesting a mature buck by wearing scent lock clothing – I’m going to do it! Everything else has already been said.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    There are a few subjects I generally choose not to discuss because it usually does not change my viewpoint or anyone else’s. Some of these subjects include religion, politics and abortion. Now…. I’m thinking I need to add scent lock clothing to the list!

    I agree with what was posted by Lip, big G, Shrumy, swimming jig and protourbaits. For me it’s pretty simple reasoning – It’s all about odds. If I can increase my odds (even if it’s only 1%) in regard to harvesting a mature buck by wearing scent lock clothing – I’m going to do it! Everything else has already been said.

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    I gotta agree here- -A crock- – I wear the same old pair of bright orange insulated coveralls and stocking cap every year. Every year I take my lawn chair out and back up against the same tree and every year I shoot a buck. Sometimes I’ve had them walk so close behind me that I’ve had to hold my gun out like a handgun to shoot, they’re that close. Sometimes I get one standing in front of me. All the rest of the year my gear hangs on a hanger in the basement. I’m thinking this deer hunting is like the real estate business- – location, location, location.- – -jerr

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    I gotta agree here- -A crock- – I wear the same old pair of bright orange insulated coveralls and stocking cap every year. Every year I take my lawn chair out and back up against the same tree and every year I shoot a buck. Sometimes I’ve had them walk so close behind me that I’ve had to hold my gun out like a handgun to shoot, they’re that close. Sometimes I get one standing in front of me. All the rest of the year my gear hangs on a hanger in the basement. I’m thinking this deer hunting is like the real estate business- – location, location, location.- – -jerr

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642


    Lip-The thing you have that is the most important element is CONFIDENCE. It is not entirely the material in the suit. You also are very diligent in keeping as scent free as humanly possible before the hunt even begins.

    Erick- All of my gun deer kills have been under 40 yards with most in the 20 yard range. The key in almost all of these shots were being either downwind or in a crosswind. I could have taken every one of my gun deer with a bow.

    People give these deer too much credit, IMO. I have had deer standing so close I could have reached out and pulled a hair off their chin. I have had young bucks walk up withing a few feet of me all while wearing ORANGE.
    Deer are not some mystical creature that are so tough to hunt and kill. Your actions dictate their actions. Sure you have your occassional deer that is freaked out by its own shadow, but most are not that spooky.
    A person doesn’t need all the fancy cloths and equipment to kill deer. Time, patience, and knowing their patterns are all that is truely needed. Some people THINK they need all the latest and greatest gadgets to be successful, but in reality it just makes people “look the part”

    Hey Wats, how many of these deer were Big Bucks, big being 140 inch or better?

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642


    Lip-The thing you have that is the most important element is CONFIDENCE. It is not entirely the material in the suit. You also are very diligent in keeping as scent free as humanly possible before the hunt even begins.

    Erick- All of my gun deer kills have been under 40 yards with most in the 20 yard range. The key in almost all of these shots were being either downwind or in a crosswind. I could have taken every one of my gun deer with a bow.

    People give these deer too much credit, IMO. I have had deer standing so close I could have reached out and pulled a hair off their chin. I have had young bucks walk up withing a few feet of me all while wearing ORANGE.
    Deer are not some mystical creature that are so tough to hunt and kill. Your actions dictate their actions. Sure you have your occassional deer that is freaked out by its own shadow, but most are not that spooky.
    A person doesn’t need all the fancy cloths and equipment to kill deer. Time, patience, and knowing their patterns are all that is truely needed. Some people THINK they need all the latest and greatest gadgets to be successful, but in reality it just makes people “look the part”

    Hey Wats, how many of these deer were Big Bucks, big being 140 inch or better?

    Posts: 18

    For those of you that are non believers, continue! That means more deer for me!

    Posts: 18

    For those of you that are non believers, continue! That means more deer for me!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ive never had a scent blocker suit on so i don’t know from personal experience if they work or not. If i had to make a decesion right now from what i’ve heard from a couple friends and a relative that bowhunts and also shot his perfect 10 point, no deductions at all and was in the newspaper here, with a scentsuit on and he swears by them Id have to say they atleast help some.

    I know when your very carful on how you take care of your descented clothing that you can become almost scentless and greatly reduce your scent. Almost scentless, i think so because of the situations i’ve been in in the past. I think when you get everything right on how to descent your clothes and take the time to figure it out you almost disappear in the woods if done right. Some days a person sweats more then others, temp, humidity and what a persons eaten all comes into play. I’ve had deer walk very close to me and i know i was up wind and they didn’t smell me. I always hunt with the wind in my favor as to not put them on alert. Does a scent control suit help with having carbon in it, to me it can’t hurt. I know as everyone here agrees its scent control that matters most and if you can keep it too a very minimum the chances of getting a shot at a decent buck thats been around awhile greatly improves, to me atleast 10 fold.

    Scent control and wind direction are the two most important things in getting close too a deer. Theres always variables to every deer and every week of hunting conditions but the rule of thumb is scent control. Can i make a judgement right at this moment if scent control suits work, no because i’ve never worn one. If i had the chance to wear one as a loner maybe i could come up with an answer. Im sure thier not 100% effecient in all conditions and if i had one i’d have to learn what it does and in what conditions. I don’t know if it would take a full season or a few weeks. One thing im pretty sure of is they work better in dryer conditons of less humidity instead of those warmer more humid days. My cousin Tim whos an avid bowhunter swears by them and dosen’t leave without his, hes the one who shot the perfect 10 a few years ago and i used to shoot bowleague with. Would i buy one with what i know about them, maybe but i would have too see them work in the field befor i bought one. The carbon materials in them can’t hurt. When i hear the guys here on the site that have shot nice deer say they work i tend to believe them because i know a couple guys here who are good bowhunters say they do work. I don’t think i would go out and buy one at the present day prices because i’ve had enough close shots to fill my tag without one. I feel confident with the scent control things i do now, not bragging but i do pretty good keeping my scent down to a minimum in most conditions. If i have one givin to me i’ll let everyone know if i think they work or not, carbon in a scent suit? it can’t hurt.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ive never had a scent blocker suit on so i don’t know from personal experience if they work or not. If i had to make a decesion right now from what i’ve heard from a couple friends and a relative that bowhunts and also shot his perfect 10 point, no deductions at all and was in the newspaper here, with a scentsuit on and he swears by them Id have to say they atleast help some.

    I know when your very carful on how you take care of your descented clothing that you can become almost scentless and greatly reduce your scent. Almost scentless, i think so because of the situations i’ve been in in the past. I think when you get everything right on how to descent your clothes and take the time to figure it out you almost disappear in the woods if done right. Some days a person sweats more then others, temp, humidity and what a persons eaten all comes into play. I’ve had deer walk very close to me and i know i was up wind and they didn’t smell me. I always hunt with the wind in my favor as to not put them on alert. Does a scent control suit help with having carbon in it, to me it can’t hurt. I know as everyone here agrees its scent control that matters most and if you can keep it too a very minimum the chances of getting a shot at a decent buck thats been around awhile greatly improves, to me atleast 10 fold.

    Scent control and wind direction are the two most important things in getting close too a deer. Theres always variables to every deer and every week of hunting conditions but the rule of thumb is scent control. Can i make a judgement right at this moment if scent control suits work, no because i’ve never worn one. If i had the chance to wear one as a loner maybe i could come up with an answer. Im sure thier not 100% effecient in all conditions and if i had one i’d have to learn what it does and in what conditions. I don’t know if it would take a full season or a few weeks. One thing im pretty sure of is they work better in dryer conditons of less humidity instead of those warmer more humid days. My cousin Tim whos an avid bowhunter swears by them and dosen’t leave without his, hes the one who shot the perfect 10 a few years ago and i used to shoot bowleague with. Would i buy one with what i know about them, maybe but i would have too see them work in the field befor i bought one. The carbon materials in them can’t hurt. When i hear the guys here on the site that have shot nice deer say they work i tend to believe them because i know a couple guys here who are good bowhunters say they do work. I don’t think i would go out and buy one at the present day prices because i’ve had enough close shots to fill my tag without one. I feel confident with the scent control things i do now, not bragging but i do pretty good keeping my scent down to a minimum in most conditions. If i have one givin to me i’ll let everyone know if i think they work or not, carbon in a scent suit? it can’t hurt.

    Posts: 5130

    Not sure if this one qualifies. 154″ main frame 8 point. Shot while on the ground at 25 yards wearing orange. This buck walked down the same trail I did getting to my position. First light with no other hunters in the area. So he wasn’t pressure and running for deer life when I dropped him. He walked in casually and stopped broadside. When I cut him up, the wad from the shotgun slug was embedded into his shoulder. I seen this deer the day before but I was not in the right position. The next morning I set up and he came right down the same path. Luck? Maybe, but I don’t think so. Location and observation had more to do with the kill than the clothes I was wearing.

    Posts: 5130

    Not sure if this one qualifies. 154″ main frame 8 point. Shot while on the ground at 25 yards wearing orange. This buck walked down the same trail I did getting to my position. First light with no other hunters in the area. So he wasn’t pressure and running for deer life when I dropped him. He walked in casually and stopped broadside. When I cut him up, the wad from the shotgun slug was embedded into his shoulder. I seen this deer the day before but I was not in the right position. The next morning I set up and he came right down the same path. Luck? Maybe, but I don’t think so. Location and observation had more to do with the kill than the clothes I was wearing.

    Posts: 5130

    One more thing I could care less about how big a deer is. The score doesn’t mean much to me since I respect the ANIMAL not his horn growth. I look at a deer the same as a cow for that matter, meat for the table. I am not opposed to shooting fawns, does, or bucks. The last year I bowhunted, I did let smaller bucks go and chose does. Why? Because I don’t need to shoot bucks to feel like I accompolished something. If that is the choice of others, I don’t look down on them, unless they are the same ones complaining about extra seasons and too many doe tags.
    I have also had other bucks near me as well, but not all deer give you the shot you want and they walk away. No problem, just seeing them is enough to satisfy me.

    Posts: 5130

    One more thing I could care less about how big a deer is. The score doesn’t mean much to me since I respect the ANIMAL not his horn growth. I look at a deer the same as a cow for that matter, meat for the table. I am not opposed to shooting fawns, does, or bucks. The last year I bowhunted, I did let smaller bucks go and chose does. Why? Because I don’t need to shoot bucks to feel like I accompolished something. If that is the choice of others, I don’t look down on them, unless they are the same ones complaining about extra seasons and too many doe tags.
    I have also had other bucks near me as well, but not all deer give you the shot you want and they walk away. No problem, just seeing them is enough to satisfy me.

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642

    Nice deer Wats!! Theres ALWAYS luck(even if its alittle)when someone takes a mature whitetail.

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642

    Nice deer Wats!! Theres ALWAYS luck(even if its alittle)when someone takes a mature whitetail.

    Posts: 405

    Who has actually had success with it? I know prior to owning the stuff I would get busted alot. I have on several occasions now, been directly downwind and should have gotten busted and have not. I also have been within shooting range of some of the biggest bucks in my bowhunting experience since wearing the stuff. I am not saying its all due to carbon clothing, but there must be something to it???

    Posts: 405

    Who has actually had success with it? I know prior to owning the stuff I would get busted alot. I have on several occasions now, been directly downwind and should have gotten busted and have not. I also have been within shooting range of some of the biggest bucks in my bowhunting experience since wearing the stuff. I am not saying its all due to carbon clothing, but there must be something to it???

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    deer developmentally learn to know the difference between a “good” odor and a “bad”. For instance, they know that the odor from a coyote means a predator, meaning run away. Some deer are desensitized by humans because maybe these humans oppose no threat to them. But, for the most part, deer see humans as a threat to them and scurry away to avoid confrontation. Ive had deer from last year that smelled me but didn’t quite comprehend what or where that odor was coming from! Instead, they constantly raise and lower their heads and take in deep breathes to comprehend what that smell is. Thankfully, i was wearing, and taking all of the precautions of scent eliminating products to avoid instances like this.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    deer developmentally learn to know the difference between a “good” odor and a “bad”. For instance, they know that the odor from a coyote means a predator, meaning run away. Some deer are desensitized by humans because maybe these humans oppose no threat to them. But, for the most part, deer see humans as a threat to them and scurry away to avoid confrontation. Ive had deer from last year that smelled me but didn’t quite comprehend what or where that odor was coming from! Instead, they constantly raise and lower their heads and take in deep breathes to comprehend what that smell is. Thankfully, i was wearing, and taking all of the precautions of scent eliminating products to avoid instances like this.

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3376


    Not sure if this one qualifies. 154″ main frame 8 point. Shot while on the ground at 25 yards wearing orange. This buck walked down the same trail I did getting to my position. First light with no other hunters in the area. So he wasn’t pressure and running for deer life when I dropped him. He walked in casually and stopped broadside. When I cut him up, the wad from the shotgun slug was embedded into his shoulder. I seen this deer the day before but I was not in the right position. The next morning I set up and he came right down the same path. Luck? Maybe, but I don’t think so. Location and observation had more to do with the kill than the clothes I was wearing.


    Byron MN
    Posts: 3376


    Not sure if this one qualifies. 154″ main frame 8 point. Shot while on the ground at 25 yards wearing orange. This buck walked down the same trail I did getting to my position. First light with no other hunters in the area. So he wasn’t pressure and running for deer life when I dropped him. He walked in casually and stopped broadside. When I cut him up, the wad from the shotgun slug was embedded into his shoulder. I seen this deer the day before but I was not in the right position. The next morning I set up and he came right down the same path. Luck? Maybe, but I don’t think so. Location and observation had more to do with the kill than the clothes I was wearing.


    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ya Nice buck Wats

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