Deer hunting with dogs

  • gary_wellman
    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    We used buckshot in Texas. It was nice and easy to be honest. All deer were harvested with headshots. Made perfect hides and no damage to any meat.

    Hunting in the south is much different than “up north”. There are still many people who expect to put 4-8 or even 16 deer in the freezer. It is a way of life……Harvesting. The “hunting” portion is a bonus if you get a big-buck. But most mentality down there is meat hunting.

    When I was in Texas, I could purchase a “hunting license”. This was for $16. It gave me 2 bucks, 2 does, 1 muley, 3 turkeys, and it was my small game license! Yep, for $16!!!!!!! Just had to purchase federal waterfowl stamps……no state stamps!!!! This was 15 years ago.

    They use dogs too for hog hunting.

    Hey, we spear fish, they use dogs for deer. Is there really a difference?

    Posts: 293

    You are correct that the “dog shooting season” falls after bird seasons to protect the dogs, but it also at this time because this is when dogs can do the most damage. A single dog in a deer yard with deep snow can kill scores of deer. Unlike wolves, which usually only kill what they will eat, dogs will go from one weak deer to the next and kill twenty or thirty deer. Fawns are also in danger of dogs, thus the continuing of the dog shooting season to July.

    Posts: 293

    You are correct that the “dog shooting season” falls after bird seasons to protect the dogs, but it also at this time because this is when dogs can do the most damage. A single dog in a deer yard with deep snow can kill scores of deer. Unlike wolves, which usually only kill what they will eat, dogs will go from one weak deer to the next and kill twenty or thirty deer. Fawns are also in danger of dogs, thus the continuing of the dog shooting season to July.

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