Signs of the rut

  • mossydan
    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I got my daughters boyfriend interisted in bowhunting this fall and bought him a Jennings bow. Hes been in the woods every chace he gets which is about 3 to 4 times a week. Hes come back with reports that the bucks are still locking racks and scrapeing. He said 4 times in the last two weeks hes seen bucks fighting full bore. When i first started bow hunting and shooting in the local bowhunters league the talk that i learned from was the bucks will spare and look for does until they loose thier racks, these were guys who had already bowhunted for along time. So for the guys who are still bowhunting the bucks are still aggressive and looking for does, i’ve got until the 10th of janurary here in Iowa to fill my tag with bucks that are still interisted. I don’t think its still hot and heavy like it was earlier but things are still in the bowhunters favor for anyone thats still hunting.

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    I hope I get a chance at a buck here in Wisconsin yet. I just shot my 2nd doe of this year yesterday. We gave up looking last night and I was thinking it was gonna be tough with the rain and what little snow we had in the woods yesterday was gone when I got up. I started the search around 8:30 and I found the doe by 9:30 about 40 yards from where we gave up last night. Oh well come on bucks where are ya I’m ready!!

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    I hope I get a chance at a buck here in Wisconsin yet. I just shot my 2nd doe of this year yesterday. We gave up looking last night and I was thinking it was gonna be tough with the rain and what little snow we had in the woods yesterday was gone when I got up. I started the search around 8:30 and I found the doe by 9:30 about 40 yards from where we gave up last night. Oh well come on bucks where are ya I’m ready!!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Mossy, Sounds like he’s addicted! Last March while I was shed hunting I’d gone all day without any luck. Nearing dark I decided to head for home. On my way back I cross a winter wheat field, it was filled with 20+ deer and 3 were bucks, A small 6, bigger 7 and a decent 8. I sat back and just enjoyed their antics as they splashed in the puddles and ran in circles. Then the big buck and the small buck started to spar, then it was a full blown brawl. This got the attention of the other buck and he got in on it to. My heart was pumping so hard and I knew I was going to witness an antler fall off, I couldn’t believe it! Well it got darker and I kept my binos on them and at dark they all had complete headgear. As I tip toed away I could still here their fighting. I went back the next day with my video camera to find only does and fawns and no sheds. I have never witnessed fighting this late before and I have lived in the woods for 15 years. Fighting is quite a sight and It’s the number one reason bucks loose their antlers late after season. Good luck to the yong man and wondeing if your daughter is upset being he’s out in the woods all the time and not with her, not that I would know anything about that! Good luck! Tomorrow is our last day and I offered to take a friend who has not had such a great season, if only this rain would change to snow. Guess I’ll have to wait till morning to see!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Mossy, Sounds like he’s addicted! Last March while I was shed hunting I’d gone all day without any luck. Nearing dark I decided to head for home. On my way back I cross a winter wheat field, it was filled with 20+ deer and 3 were bucks, A small 6, bigger 7 and a decent 8. I sat back and just enjoyed their antics as they splashed in the puddles and ran in circles. Then the big buck and the small buck started to spar, then it was a full blown brawl. This got the attention of the other buck and he got in on it to. My heart was pumping so hard and I knew I was going to witness an antler fall off, I couldn’t believe it! Well it got darker and I kept my binos on them and at dark they all had complete headgear. As I tip toed away I could still here their fighting. I went back the next day with my video camera to find only does and fawns and no sheds. I have never witnessed fighting this late before and I have lived in the woods for 15 years. Fighting is quite a sight and It’s the number one reason bucks loose their antlers late after season. Good luck to the yong man and wondeing if your daughter is upset being he’s out in the woods all the time and not with her, not that I would know anything about that! Good luck! Tomorrow is our last day and I offered to take a friend who has not had such a great season, if only this rain would change to snow. Guess I’ll have to wait till morning to see!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I hear ya, My daughters with him alot of times. We have a spot a short distance from where we live and he told her to stand in a certain area and he would push deer past her. He was gone about 1/2 an hour and she stayed put where he told her to stay and all of a sudden she heard a noise and there were deer walking twards her. She said she wasen’t so scared until the bucks came within distance and they were closing in on her. She said she turned around and stopped looking at them walking twards her and they walked within 15′ of the tree she was behind, she said she was so scared she didn’t know if she should run or stay put hoping they wouldn’t see her. When she got home she told me about it and i laughed and said it was a good thing you didn’t move because that would have chased them away. She said they wouldn’t have charged at me and i said no, they would have ran, i said its good you let them get so close, she said those bucks are really neat seeing a decent 10 pointer and some smaller ones, guess there was about 25 that came by her. Im pretty proud of both of them, when it comes to what my wife thinks about me bowhunting, i just go and shes learned im probably hunting beings its the time of year it is, she looks to see if my bows gone and if it is she knows where im at.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I hear ya, My daughters with him alot of times. We have a spot a short distance from where we live and he told her to stand in a certain area and he would push deer past her. He was gone about 1/2 an hour and she stayed put where he told her to stay and all of a sudden she heard a noise and there were deer walking twards her. She said she wasen’t so scared until the bucks came within distance and they were closing in on her. She said she turned around and stopped looking at them walking twards her and they walked within 15′ of the tree she was behind, she said she was so scared she didn’t know if she should run or stay put hoping they wouldn’t see her. When she got home she told me about it and i laughed and said it was a good thing you didn’t move because that would have chased them away. She said they wouldn’t have charged at me and i said no, they would have ran, i said its good you let them get so close, she said those bucks are really neat seeing a decent 10 pointer and some smaller ones, guess there was about 25 that came by her. Im pretty proud of both of them, when it comes to what my wife thinks about me bowhunting, i just go and shes learned im probably hunting beings its the time of year it is, she looks to see if my bows gone and if it is she knows where im at.

    Dodge Center, MN
    Posts: 39

    When out pheasant hunting the last 2 weekends – I noticed there were a lot more tree’s rubbed up than there were the last weekend of muzzy season.

    Dodge Center, MN
    Posts: 39

    When out pheasant hunting the last 2 weekends – I noticed there were a lot more tree’s rubbed up than there were the last weekend of muzzy season.

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