6-6-06 velvet buck pic

  • Slam
    Posts: 42

    Just testing my resize pictures so they will fit the posting guidlines

    Once i get the size down i’ll post a season of dreams on this monster bucks antler growth.From trail camera pics to my reg camera pics taken from my tree stands.As you can tell from a couple other pics i posted this is the same field a few good bucks tend to feed in.6-6-06 was the 1st day i captured this guy on camera.

    As i update the pics from day-day week-week month-month does this big boy fall or will he rise to another hunting season of dreams?????????????????

    For those who wish to guess what you think this buck will turn into please do.I’ll add a pic here and there and we’ll see how this turns out.As the antlers growth continues over the next 10-12 weeks we’ll see who knows what a monarc buck looks like in the early stages of velvet

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417

    I’m guessing he’ll turn out to be the devil!

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417

    I’m guessing he’ll turn out to be the devil!

    Lacrosse Wi
    Posts: 495

    So I guess he’s not even half grown in early June. He’s got the rest of June and then July and August to fill out. Think he would be showing some nubs for other tines. Will be interesting to see how he turns out. Is he on your wall yet?

    Lacrosse Wi
    Posts: 495

    So I guess he’s not even half grown in early June. He’s got the rest of June and then July and August to fill out. Think he would be showing some nubs for other tines. Will be interesting to see how he turns out. Is he on your wall yet?

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    that is one weird day to get him on camera Did you see him during hunting season?

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    that is one weird day to get him on camera Did you see him during hunting season?

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