Well if any of you have read some of my posts you know that theivery is a problem in my area. While I was replying to post on solar panels for a camera being a bad idea, someone was stealing my double ladder stand. I had a cable lock around this stand but it did not stop them. .What else can you do to secure a ladder stand?. This stand was well away from any road and on private property.Would like to hear your ideas , anything short of high voltage would be appreciated.
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Deer Hunting » Best Way to Lockem Down
Best Way to Lockem Down
December 19, 2006 at 10:30 pm #27423
There is no way, it seems you have a determined theif on your hands, locks are there to keep honest people honest. I tell you what I’d do…. yah maybe not.
December 19, 2006 at 10:30 pm #513037There is no way, it seems you have a determined theif on your hands, locks are there to keep honest people honest. I tell you what I’d do…. yah maybe not.
December 19, 2006 at 10:52 pm #27424I feel for you spinner…i got two stands with climbing sticks stolen this year…all were locked up…i was on city land though…never had anything stolen on my land YET..with the poor ethics of alot of people my solution was to buy the Lone Wolf hand climber..trust no one and bring it in and out of the woods with you…jay
December 19, 2006 at 10:52 pm #513050I feel for you spinner…i got two stands with climbing sticks stolen this year…all were locked up…i was on city land though…never had anything stolen on my land YET..with the poor ethics of alot of people my solution was to buy the Lone Wolf hand climber..trust no one and bring it in and out of the woods with you…jay
December 19, 2006 at 11:18 pm #27405You could always set up a trail cam and hope u recognize him later… “I swear, his knee had a hole in it when i got here”
December 19, 2006 at 11:18 pm #512915You could always set up a trail cam and hope u recognize him later… “I swear, his knee had a hole in it when i got here”
shaylaPosts: 1399December 20, 2006 at 1:08 am #27445Sorry to hear of your misfortune, Spinner. I’ve had a few stands stolen over the years. Everyone always says it’s kids or non-sportsmen, but I say BULL…it’s other bowhunters doing this to their own ranks!!! The places most of us hang stands are attractive for one reason and only someone that thinks like a bowhunter would be in such places…there are thieves among us, trust me!
Anyhow, just wanted to run something by you. About 10 years ago I bought a book called Dr. Ken Norberg’s Whitetail Hunter’s Almanac. He’s written several editions. Anyways, he suggests using a portable stool for deer-hunting. Goes in on your back, comes out on your back and ANYWHERE that looks good usually has a suitable spot for a ground-stand, not so if you are in a tree…we all have found the perfect spot but it hasn’t got the perfect tree for a set-up, right? Well, I’ve been using this method with pretty good results and seldom use a tree-stand anymore. It’s definately cut down on my stands being stolen, and it’s actually helped my hunting! Get the book, 5th. Edition talks about it in detail. Good Luck!
shaylaPosts: 1399December 20, 2006 at 1:08 am #513120Sorry to hear of your misfortune, Spinner. I’ve had a few stands stolen over the years. Everyone always says it’s kids or non-sportsmen, but I say BULL…it’s other bowhunters doing this to their own ranks!!! The places most of us hang stands are attractive for one reason and only someone that thinks like a bowhunter would be in such places…there are thieves among us, trust me!
Anyhow, just wanted to run something by you. About 10 years ago I bought a book called Dr. Ken Norberg’s Whitetail Hunter’s Almanac. He’s written several editions. Anyways, he suggests using a portable stool for deer-hunting. Goes in on your back, comes out on your back and ANYWHERE that looks good usually has a suitable spot for a ground-stand, not so if you are in a tree…we all have found the perfect spot but it hasn’t got the perfect tree for a set-up, right? Well, I’ve been using this method with pretty good results and seldom use a tree-stand anymore. It’s definately cut down on my stands being stolen, and it’s actually helped my hunting! Get the book, 5th. Edition talks about it in detail. Good Luck!
December 20, 2006 at 3:10 pm #27478It’s an old crude trick but it works. Take a heavy duty 4 inch lag bolt and weld a big nut on the end of it in which you screw in a heavy 4 inch bolt. You use these are your “screw in steps”. Use a ratchet or a wrench to screw in the lags into the tree. As you ascend the tree you will screw in each bolt just hand tight, as you descend you will unscrew the bolts and take them with you leaving only the nuts showing on the tree. A thief wouldn’t be able to get to your stand unless they are willing to screw in a bunch of screw in steps and most thieves aren’t that ambitious.
December 20, 2006 at 3:10 pm #513308It’s an old crude trick but it works. Take a heavy duty 4 inch lag bolt and weld a big nut on the end of it in which you screw in a heavy 4 inch bolt. You use these are your “screw in steps”. Use a ratchet or a wrench to screw in the lags into the tree. As you ascend the tree you will screw in each bolt just hand tight, as you descend you will unscrew the bolts and take them with you leaving only the nuts showing on the tree. A thief wouldn’t be able to get to your stand unless they are willing to screw in a bunch of screw in steps and most thieves aren’t that ambitious.
December 26, 2006 at 4:39 am #27694i feel for you on this one as well. i had one of my favorite stands stolen in the middle of January a couple years back as I went to go and get them after the season. This was on private property and really ticked me off. I have a problem w/ a four wheeler thinking he can drive anywhere he wants down there and if I could pin it on him I would. The only way I could think of catching a guy is setting up 2 cameras. One would be in the open and the other would be up in a tree where they hopefully wouldn’t look w/ tape over the flash. I never did this but would consider if the thieves didn’ stop. Or, I would wait for them from time to time w/ a Louisville Slugger. “Did I say that outloud?”
December 26, 2006 at 4:39 am #515083i feel for you on this one as well. i had one of my favorite stands stolen in the middle of January a couple years back as I went to go and get them after the season. This was on private property and really ticked me off. I have a problem w/ a four wheeler thinking he can drive anywhere he wants down there and if I could pin it on him I would. The only way I could think of catching a guy is setting up 2 cameras. One would be in the open and the other would be up in a tree where they hopefully wouldn’t look w/ tape over the flash. I never did this but would consider if the thieves didn’ stop. Or, I would wait for them from time to time w/ a Louisville Slugger. “Did I say that outloud?”
December 26, 2006 at 4:57 am #27695it is one of the things that will urine you off the most when you get your stand stolen. I had a stand stolen last year. A guy thankfully gave back my trail cam cuz he said i was on his property . But supposively he didn’t take my stand down which i believe is a bunch of crap! Anyways, the best way to stop it is to unscrew the the last 4-5 steps leading up to the stand so there is no way a guy could make it to the top. But that is another story if you have a ladder, climbing sticks, etc. Hope this doesn’t happen again for you
December 26, 2006 at 4:57 am #515085it is one of the things that will urine you off the most when you get your stand stolen. I had a stand stolen last year. A guy thankfully gave back my trail cam cuz he said i was on his property . But supposively he didn’t take my stand down which i believe is a bunch of crap! Anyways, the best way to stop it is to unscrew the the last 4-5 steps leading up to the stand so there is no way a guy could make it to the top. But that is another story if you have a ladder, climbing sticks, etc. Hope this doesn’t happen again for you
December 26, 2006 at 4:27 pm #27703I feel for you man. I lost my best portable Loc-On stand to thieves.Had it locked on private land,did salvage the lock tho. Now I just take my stand in and out with me.I get my trees pre-drilled and lanes cut.I will leave steps sometimes but take the first 3-4 with me.Once you get a set-up system down it goes really fast. If you must leave stands up maybe you could put 2-3 chains/cables on them and see how bad they want it. Cameras will get stolen/damaged just like stands I figure.Soon paranoid thieves will start wearing ski masks to avoid detection!!! ha ha . Private land isnt so private as you might think. Lots of shed/varmit hunters go just about anywhere in my areas. One trick I used to use was to put a dummy stand(hated that one) to test an area or mark my spot. Good luck!!
December 26, 2006 at 4:27 pm #515167I feel for you man. I lost my best portable Loc-On stand to thieves.Had it locked on private land,did salvage the lock tho. Now I just take my stand in and out with me.I get my trees pre-drilled and lanes cut.I will leave steps sometimes but take the first 3-4 with me.Once you get a set-up system down it goes really fast. If you must leave stands up maybe you could put 2-3 chains/cables on them and see how bad they want it. Cameras will get stolen/damaged just like stands I figure.Soon paranoid thieves will start wearing ski masks to avoid detection!!! ha ha . Private land isnt so private as you might think. Lots of shed/varmit hunters go just about anywhere in my areas. One trick I used to use was to put a dummy stand(hated that one) to test an area or mark my spot. Good luck!!
deertrackerPosts: 9265December 26, 2006 at 4:35 pm #27704Sometimes no matter what you do the thieves will always win. I had two stands stolen in 2004. I thought I was being smart and taking out the bottom few steps everytime, but I was wrong. They just brought in their chainsaw and cut down the trees. I solved that problem by using a climbing stand. Best purchase i’ve made.
deertrackerPosts: 9265December 26, 2006 at 4:35 pm #515171Sometimes no matter what you do the thieves will always win. I had two stands stolen in 2004. I thought I was being smart and taking out the bottom few steps everytime, but I was wrong. They just brought in their chainsaw and cut down the trees. I solved that problem by using a climbing stand. Best purchase i’ve made.
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