Deer still chasin

  • Trubass
    Posts: 37

    I was just called by by mom ( who I will add is 67 and still hunting deer) and she said there was a buck chasin does around the back yard. Has anyone seen sign that they are still rutting..I have not been out for a couple of weeks but am planning on doing a little muzzle loadin this weekend and am now thinking if a guy should use some doe in heat scent and/or do some rattling.

    Posts: 1025

    2nd rut is right around the corner. posible that little ones are in heat now I spose!

    Posts: 1025

    2nd rut is right around the corner. posible that little ones are in heat now I spose!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Thier going to be still looking for does coming into estrous, not all does come in the same time, they get bred all winter and some of the young ones don’t come in until late winter. The ruts just getting going. The first buck i shot was serviceing a mature doe in late december, he was just a few steps behind her all the time until i positioned myself and got a shot, the bucks will come to just about anything right now, the same as they did about two weeks ago.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Thier going to be still looking for does coming into estrous, not all does come in the same time, they get bred all winter and some of the young ones don’t come in until late winter. The ruts just getting going. The first buck i shot was serviceing a mature doe in late december, he was just a few steps behind her all the time until i positioned myself and got a shot, the bucks will come to just about anything right now, the same as they did about two weeks ago.

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