Primos Buck Roar! Hidden Little Goodies Inside!

  • walleyes_only
    Posts: 17

    I found another thing about the newest call I bought. Not only does this thing make a great grunt. But if you pull out the black tube from the hard green rubber. You can make several deer sounds! There is a small rubber O-ring that you move up and down. I am guessing estrus bleets to the buck roar, and anything in between! Fawn bleets, doe bleets and grunts, young and OLD grunts! Basically, it does them all! I will say this though, the estrus bleet is not very good, compared to the Primos Can. But to have everything all built into one call is nice. Like I said, it sure makes a nice grunt!

    Just an FYI incase anybody was thinking about buying one! Also I wonder why the Mini-DVD they give never mentioned about the rubber O-ring inside, and that you can move it? Oh well!

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