sunday night

  • MJR
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 15

    i had something happen tonight i’ve never herd before.
    i was in my stand and about 4:14 pm i herd a doe blow. she was down wind so i thought she winded me. she was about 150 yards out in a tag-alder swamp. then she blew again,and it sounded like she was more to my right, then she blew again, back out in front. then again over to my she was blowing quit often and getting closer,then i herd the grunt. i finaly saw the deer,coming staight at me she was blowing steadily now the buck was right on her when they broke the cover. she came out then the 4 pt. ‘oh’ a third deer a nice 8pt!!!!then back into the swamp she led them. her blowing every bound the bucks grunting up a storm,never to be seen again that night.
    i’ve never herd a doe blow so much and so steady before.
    but it was awsome.never close enough for a shot,but a awsome night any way.
    any one ever hear that much doe blowing before?
    how could any one not enjoy nights like that.
    i love bowhunting

    S.E. Iowa
    Posts: 669

    Way cool, maybe she ate too many soybeans and was passin gas .

    S.E. Iowa
    Posts: 669

    Way cool, maybe she ate too many soybeans and was passin gas .

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    Brooklyn Center MN
    Posts: 181

    Maybe she was saying, I will never do that again for two bucks.

    Brooklyn Center MN
    Posts: 181

    Maybe she was saying, I will never do that again for two bucks.

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