What brand doe estrous is the best?

  • burbob
    Posts: 364

    Just wondering what works for yal
    Thanks for the advice, and good luck

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22924

    The real stuff, running around in the woods is the best… don’t shoot the doe right away, see whats trailing her. Best advice I can give this time of year…

    big g

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22924

    The real stuff, running around in the woods is the best… don’t shoot the doe right away, see whats trailing her. Best advice I can give this time of year…

    big g

    Posts: 364

    I agree G, I always try to locate does and like you said use them to my advantage. Just wanted to know what the best brand is of the “fake stuff” is. I’m making a trip to the store tonight, have to re-stock

    Posts: 364

    I agree G, I always try to locate does and like you said use them to my advantage. Just wanted to know what the best brand is of the “fake stuff” is. I’m making a trip to the store tonight, have to re-stock

    Baldwin, WI
    Posts: 152

    I had very good luck with buck bombs last year. Expensive but effective.

    Baldwin, WI
    Posts: 152

    I had very good luck with buck bombs last year. Expensive but effective.

    Sugar Land, TX
    Posts: 609

    I saw Nugent extracting the real thing from a doe using a needle

    Sugar Land, TX
    Posts: 609

    I saw Nugent extracting the real thing from a doe using a needle

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Like Luke says, mrs doe pee. Dan colora down in southern Iowa here raises his own does for this pee. For those of you who don’t know he shot the worlds record archery buck, 203 5/8th here about 6 years ago. I know he takes this pee and bottles it frozen right after its collected from does that are tuned to come into heat by reducing the amount of light in the inside pen area. I talked to a guy who visited his site and says its kept clean and filtered to keep sediment out. Its very fresh when its frozen. I buy it because i know its fresh when it has to be frozen, no ammonia what so ever.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Like Luke says, mrs doe pee. Dan colora down in southern Iowa here raises his own does for this pee. For those of you who don’t know he shot the worlds record archery buck, 203 5/8th here about 6 years ago. I know he takes this pee and bottles it frozen right after its collected from does that are tuned to come into heat by reducing the amount of light in the inside pen area. I talked to a guy who visited his site and says its kept clean and filtered to keep sediment out. Its very fresh when its frozen. I buy it because i know its fresh when it has to be frozen, no ammonia what so ever.

    Posts: 1493

    Agree with Slop 100% Code Blue 1 deer per bottle

    Posts: 1493

    Agree with Slop 100% Code Blue 1 deer per bottle

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    I am going to double check this, but I believe code blue is made/bottled in arkansas…the number one reason, I won’t use it, or any other bottle of doe pee, that isn’t from Iowa. Deer here feed on mainly corn, and soybeans. Their urine is going to smell a ton different than deer from arkansas.

    I would try and find one that is made in your state..

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    I am going to double check this, but I believe code blue is made/bottled in arkansas…the number one reason, I won’t use it, or any other bottle of doe pee, that isn’t from Iowa. Deer here feed on mainly corn, and soybeans. Their urine is going to smell a ton different than deer from arkansas.

    I would try and find one that is made in your state..

    Posts: 7

    I know that Whitcomb’s in Prinston bottles it fresh. You can get it on line or possibly at Sportsman’s Warehouse. I believe they freeze it right away also.

    Posts: 7

    I know that Whitcomb’s in Prinston bottles it fresh. You can get it on line or possibly at Sportsman’s Warehouse. I believe they freeze it right away also.

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