Got my buck at 8:45 a.m (11-1-2006)

  • zimmy101
    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    I have this week off just to go bowhunting. The cold and wind were pretty brutal the last few days. Most of my stands are located on the top of the bluffs, so I decided to get my hunting blind out and set it up on an old logging road down on a side hill. There are three main deer trails that cross this logging with bedding areas on both sides of the logging road.

    I went out at 6:30 a.m. yesterday morning to sit in my blind for an all day hunt. It was freezing cold with clear blue skies in the morning and down on the side hill it was dead quiet. Couldn’t ask for better conditions. I had brought my latest edition of Bow Hunting Magazine and just finished an article, when I heard a buck grunting to the left of me on the other side of a tree top. Because I’m in my blind I couldn’t see him off to the side, and didn’t see him till he came up to front of the blind with my shooting opening. I bleated at him and he stopped to soon and stopped right above the logging road. Now comes the sad part of this story. I had put up the blind the day before and had cleared any brush that would be a problem. Now here it gets confusing??? I’m not sure what actually happened, but my arrow hit the buck WAY back hitting the fermal artery of the buck. He only went about 80 yards to a another logging road below me before rolling in the ravine at the bottom of the bluff. I did find some brush that would have been right in front of where the buck stood during the shot that would have been unnoticeable from my blind. Or my other sinareo would be that I just made a bad shot because I was sitting in a chair that I just didn’t pratice much shooting from. The guys at work gave me some grief on my hit only because a couple of them had an experience with a bad shot that the deer expired with in a few minutes. They knew it was bothering me and told me that it it happens. They all know that I’m always shooting with broadheads at home just because I’m hoping this wont happen to me. Well guys…it does!
    Now that I got that out I’ll tell you the rest of the story of my day.

    Once again I had to head over to Red Wing to my work place to get my “Drag that BIG BIG Bruiser out of the bottom of the ravine” again!
    All they said to at work was…”Why do all your bucks run downhill after being shot?? Can’t you once get them heading up hill???
    I talked to 5 guys at work hoping maybe a couple of them would show up! They all showed up plus one guys wife also! Actually it wasn’t that bad… four of us grabbed him and hauled him up to rthe logging road where one of the guys had his 4 wheeler and trailer! We have a tight little group that love this area and look forward to trip to the woods for another memory wee won’t forget! Actually this buck was only on the other side of the cornfield I harvested my other ten pointer a couple of years ago. One of the guys got his first look at this ten pointer and said to me… “Think he could be his son of your other one??” That had been my same thoughts when I first got a good look at this one.

    This was my fist deer shot from a blind. I most admit that I’m WAY more at home in a tree.

    I green scored this 10 pointer this morning at 144 7/8 inches and 141 after decuctions…I also had him weighed last night and he tipped the scales at #205.

    I have spent more time out hunting this year than ever before…you just had to take advantage of the cool weather this Fall.

    Sorry for the long story, guy and girls…but I could just pretended that I did good, but sometimes something you wait for all year can come true, but not always by the script that was wrote in your mind before every hunt.

    Some of my day’s pictures to follow….

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    These photos were taken myself that morning with favorite tripods. A dead logs and boulders in front of me!

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    These photos were taken myself that morning with favorite tripods. A dead logs and boulders in front of me!

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    The trail in the right side of the photo is where the buck come from…

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    The trail in the right side of the photo is where the buck come from…

    Craig Matter
    Hager City,Wi
    Posts: 556

    Sweet story and a heck of a buck..congrats!!!!!!

    Craig Matter
    Hager City,Wi
    Posts: 556

    Sweet story and a heck of a buck..congrats!!!!!!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    Congrats Zimmy on a great buck. And it’s not often we get a picture of where the hunter was and where the deer was during the hunt.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    Congrats Zimmy on a great buck. And it’s not often we get a picture of where the hunter was and where the deer was during the hunt.

    Dallas, WI
    Posts: 1003

    Nice job Zimmy!

    Dallas, WI
    Posts: 1003

    Nice job Zimmy!

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    Thanks, Gregg. How’s your season going??? Haven’t given it up yet to go back to racing I hope?? j/k

    “Drag that BIG BIG Bruiser out of the bottom of the ravine” gang

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    Thanks, Gregg. How’s your season going??? Haven’t given it up yet to go back to racing I hope?? j/k

    “Drag that BIG BIG Bruiser out of the bottom of the ravine” gang

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 467

    Great story Zimmy
    Great buck too

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 467

    Great story Zimmy
    Great buck too

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    Loading him up for his trip back to the truck…

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    Loading him up for his trip back to the truck…

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    AWESOME DEER–AWESOME STORY That is what I live for. It may have been a missed shot, but that shot will work just like a heart or lung shot.

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    AWESOME DEER–AWESOME STORY That is what I live for. It may have been a missed shot, but that shot will work just like a heart or lung shot.

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Congrats on a very nice buck and takin him from the ground..the thing i love the most about hunting is being alone… but its always nice to know you have good buddies at home to help when you need it…congrats again zimmy….Jay

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Congrats on a very nice buck and takin him from the ground..the thing i love the most about hunting is being alone… but its always nice to know you have good buddies at home to help when you need it…congrats again zimmy….Jay

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Awesome story, pics and job Zimmy!

    Congrats. Nice pic showing your set up and nice job adapting to the weather and the wind to take this brusier.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Awesome story, pics and job Zimmy!

    Congrats. Nice pic showing your set up and nice job adapting to the weather and the wind to take this brusier.

    Posts: 19

    Awesome deer! Heading out myself for a little bowhunting this afternoon. Way cool!

    Posts: 19

    Awesome deer! Heading out myself for a little bowhunting this afternoon. Way cool!

    Posts: 1025

    Great deer and story!


    Posts: 1025

    Great deer and story!


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22348

    Good Job Zimmy, I feel like I was there with ya !!! Good story telling talent there The pics are great too !!!

    big g

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22348

    Good Job Zimmy, I feel like I was there with ya !!! Good story telling talent there The pics are great too !!!

    big g

    Posts: 14

    Great Story.

    Red 3

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