just curious what if any brand/type of scents you guys use and what kind of success you’ve had with them. I have run the gamut and haven’t found any that work any better than the other including the $37.00 standing estrous. I also scared off a doe that I was getting ready to draw on Saturday night until she walked downwind of my wick laced with Special Golden Estrous. Kinda funny cuz it looked like somebody smacked her across the face when she picked up the scent.
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deer scents
October 30, 2006 at 9:42 pm #23531
phish up here it is a touch early for estrous scents – it put them on full alert regardless of what you spend. There is getting to be a ton of scrapes but I don’t believe there is many (if an at all) does in heat right now in zone 22 (Chetek area). Just my experience.
October 30, 2006 at 9:42 pm #493828phish up here it is a touch early for estrous scents – it put them on full alert regardless of what you spend. There is getting to be a ton of scrapes but I don’t believe there is many (if an at all) does in heat right now in zone 22 (Chetek area). Just my experience.
October 30, 2006 at 9:58 pm #23532Saturday night was the 1st I have used any scent this year…Sunday morning I went out with the hopes of shooting a doe if one walked by so I elected to not put any scent out. Well I ended up seeing 11 does but none came within range. However, I did grunt in an honest 150 class 10 pointer within 40 yards but he ended up crossing paths that one of the does took and followed it up the ridge. Once out of site I started rattling and he came running back and looked towards me for about 5 minutes through some thick brush and walked away…what a heartbreaker. Beautiful deer though. Heading back up thursday night for 3 full days which hopefully I’ll be able to stick one.
October 30, 2006 at 9:58 pm #493833Saturday night was the 1st I have used any scent this year…Sunday morning I went out with the hopes of shooting a doe if one walked by so I elected to not put any scent out. Well I ended up seeing 11 does but none came within range. However, I did grunt in an honest 150 class 10 pointer within 40 yards but he ended up crossing paths that one of the does took and followed it up the ridge. Once out of site I started rattling and he came running back and looked towards me for about 5 minutes through some thick brush and walked away…what a heartbreaker. Beautiful deer though. Heading back up thursday night for 3 full days which hopefully I’ll be able to stick one.
October 30, 2006 at 9:58 pm #23533I use a product that is bottled not too far from me. It is made by S&P Gamefarms out of Hennepin, Illinois. I use their fresh, frozen stuff. It is bottled and frozen the same day. They have regular doe pee, Estrous, and buck pee. These people know what they are doing. Upon getting the stuff I thaw and seperate into small one use containers that I buy at Wally World in the crafts dept and immediately refreeze. I just put one of these in my pocket during the drive to where I hunt and it is thawed and ready for use when I get there. By keeping in frozen it does not break down and smell of Nitrogen. This stuff works so well that I will not use a drag in the dark for fear of the consequences of a confused buck. I have had bucks and does come on a string before I can get into my stand. I know they have a website, but do not remember the address. A quick search will provide the site though. Give it a try.
October 30, 2006 at 9:58 pm #493835I use a product that is bottled not too far from me. It is made by S&P Gamefarms out of Hennepin, Illinois. I use their fresh, frozen stuff. It is bottled and frozen the same day. They have regular doe pee, Estrous, and buck pee. These people know what they are doing. Upon getting the stuff I thaw and seperate into small one use containers that I buy at Wally World in the crafts dept and immediately refreeze. I just put one of these in my pocket during the drive to where I hunt and it is thawed and ready for use when I get there. By keeping in frozen it does not break down and smell of Nitrogen. This stuff works so well that I will not use a drag in the dark for fear of the consequences of a confused buck. I have had bucks and does come on a string before I can get into my stand. I know they have a website, but do not remember the address. A quick search will provide the site though. Give it a try.
October 30, 2006 at 10:06 pm #23535I’ve never been big on scents but last year my old man was using “Code Blue”, had several deer come to his wick. So of course I stole his bottle
. Had a few does and fawns come to the wick! Pretty neat watching them bee line straight to the wick.
October 30, 2006 at 10:06 pm #493839I’ve never been big on scents but last year my old man was using “Code Blue”, had several deer come to his wick. So of course I stole his bottle
. Had a few does and fawns come to the wick! Pretty neat watching them bee line straight to the wick.
October 30, 2006 at 10:37 pm #23541tinks 69 and active scrape pulled in 3 bucks for me over the weekend
October 30, 2006 at 10:37 pm #493856tinks 69 and active scrape pulled in 3 bucks for me over the weekend
October 30, 2006 at 11:35 pm #23545Im not a huge fan of using scents but i do use “code blue”off and on. They have it in a gel form that holds its scent much longer then liquid..i did have a smaller 6pointer come right up to it last week and sniff the branch it was on…I also like the code blue gel as it has a larger opening so after a hour or two in the stand i dip some sticks in the bottle(with rubber gloves on) and throw a few around my stand…it doesnt disturbe anything or leave scent where the deer are coming from…good luck jay
October 30, 2006 at 11:35 pm #493873Im not a huge fan of using scents but i do use “code blue”off and on. They have it in a gel form that holds its scent much longer then liquid..i did have a smaller 6pointer come right up to it last week and sniff the branch it was on…I also like the code blue gel as it has a larger opening so after a hour or two in the stand i dip some sticks in the bottle(with rubber gloves on) and throw a few around my stand…it doesnt disturbe anything or leave scent where the deer are coming from…good luck jay
mike carey
Posts: 56October 30, 2006 at 11:49 pm #23546Untill this last weekend I never really used much for sents but my dad has always been a diehard. He gave me some of his codeblue standing estrous friday night and told me to give it a try, I did and seen a total of 18 deer over the weekend, 7 were shooters, 9 were does, and the rest were just young and dumb if you know what I mean. The bucks that came into the scent absolutly trashed the area around my sent wick. Like I said im was’nt a scent hunter untill this weekend, Last night I seen the biggest that I had seen all weekend, A 13 with a 21 inch inside, I did’nt take long to decide that I had seen enough. He will look good over the fire place
All i have to say is they work. I just don’t know if I can get myself to spent hundreds of dollars on scent every year, my dad told me he payed $38 a bottle. But it worked!!!
mike carey
Posts: 56October 30, 2006 at 11:49 pm #493876Untill this last weekend I never really used much for sents but my dad has always been a diehard. He gave me some of his codeblue standing estrous friday night and told me to give it a try, I did and seen a total of 18 deer over the weekend, 7 were shooters, 9 were does, and the rest were just young and dumb if you know what I mean. The bucks that came into the scent absolutly trashed the area around my sent wick. Like I said im was’nt a scent hunter untill this weekend, Last night I seen the biggest that I had seen all weekend, A 13 with a 21 inch inside, I did’nt take long to decide that I had seen enough. He will look good over the fire place
All i have to say is they work. I just don’t know if I can get myself to spent hundreds of dollars on scent every year, my dad told me he payed $38 a bottle. But it worked!!!
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