Buck of a Lifetime!!

  • fireflick
    Alma WI
    Posts: 875

    Had my chance at the biggest buck ever last night. Story goes like this.

    After seeing 4 deer in the 140-150 class on the last day of muzzelloader season last year I decided to spend this summer putting a lot of effort into my up coming bow hunting season. All my land is on top of the bluff with very little lower valley hunting. Which means to means of water. SO this year I put three ponds in on the land. Made some small trails leading to each. Put up my stands near each one. Because of the warm falls the last couple of years, the outfitters around us have been shooting all there P&Y class deer near the water. I’m set now right…

    Yep….Just like invisioned, I have been working this one buck for the couple of months. I had it down perfect. On northwest winds nights he would use the pine trees next to pond for his access to the water and his NEW scrape line on the trail I made. On south winds he would use the bulldozer trail coming into it. Three different times he used these scenarios. Those first three times my stand was in the wrong location. A new adjustment in location and I will have him dialed in.

    First night after switch…..Those dang does moved into to the area and out and too late to get a shot. Dang Females. It would of been after hours anyway.

    Second night…Wind from the south…He’s gonna use the bulldozer trail tonight. Yep…there he is..He’s coming in on a string. He had no care in the world. He is now 30yards away. Not one care in the world. This deer is huge…His body goes all the way up into his neck, if that is even what you call a neck rather than an extension of just his body. In fact, I can see a ring around his neck. I have now called him Ringo. He is a 10pt. 20″ spread. He is not the 140 anymore of last year. He is now the 160ish class. WOW!

    Ringo decides to take a drink of water. I let him because I have no other option with him facing and drinking right at me. He looks up!…. OH Sh1t!… Nope he didn’t see me. Goes back down for another drink… Thank god! He’s done..great here it is. It is do or die now. He start walking closer. Right to were the trail starts that I made. This can’t be so true!…O wait! I am dreaming right!…Now is the time I’m gonna wake up right!…I’m not waking up! He is at 20yards away! Well I better pull back so I can wake up! Oh NO! My grunt call can be in the way…Oh no! it hit the side of the bow…Ringo leaps, where are you going! Ringo stops on the other side of the pond where he first got his first drink of water and looks back. I am at full draw. He’s gotta be at 31-32 yards. The other side of the pond is 27 yards. He stops and looks back..not sure if it was at me or just in the area. I have been dead on all year. All the way out to 35 yards. However I always adjust the bar up and down when I went out that far. I can’t now that I am at full draw. I put the pin on top of his back. This has gotta be it. The release….the delivery……Direct hit………………to the ground! What!!! And there he was GONE!

    So now you know the story will he ever come back? I had him so patterned out it was pathetic. Will he be affraid of that pond? Thoughts…He didn’t go away bounding but just ran.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Awesome story Jarrad. The exact reason I love this sport like no other. Thanks for sharing and I hope you get another crack at him.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Awesome story Jarrad. The exact reason I love this sport like no other. Thanks for sharing and I hope you get another crack at him.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    On the other hand Jarrad to each their own but,


    However I always adjust the bar up and down when I went out that far

    That is the precise reason I do not use an adjustable sight. I use fixed pins. Something that seems very minor, but can make a major deal at the moment of truth. Like I said “to each their own”, but something to think about.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    On the other hand Jarrad to each their own but,


    However I always adjust the bar up and down when I went out that far

    That is the precise reason I do not use an adjustable sight. I use fixed pins. Something that seems very minor, but can make a major deal at the moment of truth. Like I said “to each their own”, but something to think about.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22220

    Jarrad, just getting the chance at him must have been awesome. Sounds like you have some nice area laid out, and I would guess, he really doesn’t know what happened, and should be back. Like Lip says, that would have been a great chance to use the 30 yard pin… Good luck the rest of the season.

    big g

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22220

    Jarrad, just getting the chance at him must have been awesome. Sounds like you have some nice area laid out, and I would guess, he really doesn’t know what happened, and should be back. Like Lip says, that would have been a great chance to use the 30 yard pin… Good luck the rest of the season.

    big g

    Alma WI
    Posts: 875

    First thing I said….Well after all the cuss words…I am getting a new sight so I don’t ever have to deal with adjustment again! I guess you learn the hard way!!

    Alma WI
    Posts: 875

    First thing I said….Well after all the cuss words…I am getting a new sight so I don’t ever have to deal with adjustment again! I guess you learn the hard way!!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374


    First thing I said….Well after all the cuss words…

    Keep trucking Jarrad. As long as you learn from what happened it made you a better hunter in the long run.

    What a bummer though.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374


    First thing I said….Well after all the cuss words…

    Keep trucking Jarrad. As long as you learn from what happened it made you a better hunter in the long run.

    What a bummer though.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 15

    hey is that like catch and release for walleyes?
    sorry. i feel your pain. i’m still waiting for my first encounter with a booner.don’t give up you’ll get another crack at him. good luck.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 15

    hey is that like catch and release for walleyes?
    sorry. i feel your pain. i’m still waiting for my first encounter with a booner.don’t give up you’ll get another crack at him. good luck.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    I do feel your pain .Just remember dreams do come true .That what makes us hunters .All that work time and effort will pay off .just stay at it and keep your head up.Good luck at the rest of season .

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    I do feel your pain .Just remember dreams do come true .That what makes us hunters .All that work time and effort will pay off .just stay at it and keep your head up.Good luck at the rest of season .

    Osseo, WI
    Posts: 335

    Jarrad, I too, have made this mistake but the other way around….I was set at 30 yds from a fox I took the night before and hit a 135-140 class high in the dead zone the very next evening at 15 yds. Otherwise, I figured I would stay with the adjustable sight….I just practice shooting out to 30 yds with my sight set at 20. Raise 2″ at 30 and I’m dead on. However, I certainly can’t come up with an arguement against using multiple fixed-pin sights…other than choosing the wrong pin?
    Good luck. If you have the time and if he’s not running around ruttin’ too bad you’ll get another crack at him. Sounds like you really had him patterned. How did you accomplish that? With cameras, glassing?

    Osseo, WI
    Posts: 335

    Jarrad, I too, have made this mistake but the other way around….I was set at 30 yds from a fox I took the night before and hit a 135-140 class high in the dead zone the very next evening at 15 yds. Otherwise, I figured I would stay with the adjustable sight….I just practice shooting out to 30 yds with my sight set at 20. Raise 2″ at 30 and I’m dead on. However, I certainly can’t come up with an arguement against using multiple fixed-pin sights…other than choosing the wrong pin?
    Good luck. If you have the time and if he’s not running around ruttin’ too bad you’ll get another crack at him. Sounds like you really had him patterned. How did you accomplish that? With cameras, glassing?

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    A 160″? Thats too bad Jarrad hang in there, you should get another shot if it looks like he didn’t see you and hes use to coming to those water holes so he should be back. I remember the first buck i shot, i gut shot him at 40 yrds because i had done everything right, right up to the release then i flinched. When the time comes again zero in on him hard and make sure the arrows going to hit without a doubt and he’ll go down. I found its those last couple seconds thats the most important because a guy needs to relax to make sure everythings in place. Give it a week and you’ll get him next time.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    A 160″? Thats too bad Jarrad hang in there, you should get another shot if it looks like he didn’t see you and hes use to coming to those water holes so he should be back. I remember the first buck i shot, i gut shot him at 40 yrds because i had done everything right, right up to the release then i flinched. When the time comes again zero in on him hard and make sure the arrows going to hit without a doubt and he’ll go down. I found its those last couple seconds thats the most important because a guy needs to relax to make sure everythings in place. Give it a week and you’ll get him next time.

    Central MN
    Posts: 14

    Jarrad,, Trust me, time heals all wounds!! I went through a situation kind of like yours a few years back.. A chance of a lifetime and it didn’t go my way.. I went through a few phases in the immediate moments after the unfolding event.

    1. Denial- That didn’t really just happen to me..?
    2. Hope- Hoping for some reason he would come right back!
    3. Depression- I will never have an opportunity like that again!!
    4. Questions- Why do I do this to myself?
    5. Thoughts- Would anyone miss me if I did a swan dive off of my stand????

    All of this in about 15 seconds. But like I said, time heals all wounds and I realize that situations like this will probly happen again and all a guy can do is try to best prepare yourself for the “next time”.

    Posts: 780

    Jarrad,, Trust me, time heals all wounds!! I went through a situation kind of like yours a few years back.. A chance of a lifetime and it didn’t go my way.. I went through a few phases in the immediate moments after the unfolding event.

    1. Denial- That didn’t really just happen to me..?
    2. Hope- Hoping for some reason he would come right back!
    3. Depression- I will never have an opportunity like that again!!
    4. Questions- Why do I do this to myself?
    5. Thoughts- Would anyone miss me if I did a swan dive off of my stand????

    All of this in about 15 seconds. But like I said, time heals all wounds and I realize that situations like this will probly happen again and all a guy can do is try to best prepare yourself for the “next time”.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2853

    So all is well now Buster?

    Central MN
    Posts: 2853

    So all is well now Buster?

    Alma WI
    Posts: 875

    IT didn’t happen for me with Bowhunting this year…If I could of got the one bow hunting it would made a banner year for me. Here is my Gun deer I got today. Thought I got this one with first shot but noticed a hole in the tree. Deer took off and I nailed it on the second shot while it was running. Didn’t know I got it until I started looking for blood. Then there it was a big rack reaching for the sky as I came over a knoll. This is my biggest to date….

    9 pointer 21″ inside spread..19″ tip to tip..

    Alma WI
    Posts: 875

    IT didn’t happen for me with Bowhunting this year…If I could of got the one bow hunting it would made a banner year for me. Here is my Gun deer I got today. Thought I got this one with first shot but noticed a hole in the tree. Deer took off and I nailed it on the second shot while it was running. Didn’t know I got it until I started looking for blood. Then there it was a big rack reaching for the sky as I came over a knoll. This is my biggest to date….

    9 pointer 21″ inside spread..19″ tip to tip..

    Manitowoc, WI
    Posts: 183

    WHAT A BRUTE!!!! Nice job Jarrad!!

    Manitowoc, WI
    Posts: 183

    WHAT A BRUTE!!!! Nice job Jarrad!!

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3376

    Way to turn that luck around …

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