I whole-heartedly disagree with staying away! I also hunt a public area that is heavily populated with “small game” hunters. Public land is for all of us to use and enjoy and I, for one, will not be run off or seek to hunt elsewhere because these people are coming in large numbers and shooting away with .22’s!
Instead, what I do is get as much useful info, such as license plate numbers and times/locations of unsafe and illegal acts and call it in on my cell on the spot! I don’t give up there, I demand a follow-up call from the conservation officer informing me on what was done, if anything. If they don’t call me, I call them! It’s my job to report this kind of stuff and their job to follow-up and do something about it….and I can tell you the CO in that area WILL do something about it.
I just feel that if we all decide to go “somewhere else” and roll-over to these people, pretty soon we have no-where to hunt….and it empowers these so-called hunters to keep up with their behavior and expand their range to other public areas because they know that we’ll just leave and let them have the place to themselves….DON”T GIVE UP on Carlos Avery! There are some beautiful bucks in there, just become smarter and more cunning at getting off the beaten path (islands in the cattails, for instance) and you will have good hunting. If you see or hear crap that shouldn’t be going on, become an activist and do something about it….call TIP or whatever, but don’t just willingly hand over your public property to one group of individuals!
Good Luck!