
  • eyebuster
    Posts: 1025

    Hi guys I am looking for a little advice here!

    I am loking into buying a muzzleloader and would like a little input what too look for. I do not have 500 bucks to spend on a T/C or kNight so I am looking in the 2-400 range. Has anyone shot the new Remington? What about the CVA’s, Traditions or any of the other brands out there. Any input would be great!!


    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Eyebuster,I have had a remington 700 ml 54 cal. for 5 years now and have had no problems at all.
    You may want to go to a pawn shop and check out what they have (that is were I purchased mine).
    The best loads I have found are 90 gr American powder and 348 gr powerbelt bullets.
    If you have any questions just send me an e-mail and I can help you out.
    I would go with stainless no matter what you get as it is much more durable in foul weather.
    As you are not to far from me I can give you a hand in setting it up if you need.

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Eyebuster,I have had a remington 700 ml 54 cal. for 5 years now and have had no problems at all.
    You may want to go to a pawn shop and check out what they have (that is were I purchased mine).
    The best loads I have found are 90 gr American powder and 348 gr powerbelt bullets.
    If you have any questions just send me an e-mail and I can help you out.
    I would go with stainless no matter what you get as it is much more durable in foul weather.
    As you are not to far from me I can give you a hand in setting it up if you need.

    Eldora, Iowa
    Posts: 367

    CVA Optima Pro, best bang for the buck IMO.

    Eldora, Iowa
    Posts: 367

    CVA Optima Pro, best bang for the buck IMO.

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    I own the CVA MAG HUNTER .50 cal nice and light and pricewise cheap it was my first muzzle loader I bought then I went to the Winchester X-150 .50 cal. a bit heavy but very nice gun but not my choice out of the two if I am going to be pushing. Siting in a stand then yes but not humping thru the brush..

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    I own the CVA MAG HUNTER .50 cal nice and light and pricewise cheap it was my first muzzle loader I bought then I went to the Winchester X-150 .50 cal. a bit heavy but very nice gun but not my choice out of the two if I am going to be pushing. Siting in a stand then yes but not humping thru the brush..

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    I have the Remington 700 ml .50 cal. I just started shooting it seriously this year in preparation for the bear season. It did me a fine job. I also plan on giving the deer season a try with it this year. It shoots a tight pattern and cleans up without much of a hassle.

    Good luck with your decision

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    I have the Remington 700 ml .50 cal. I just started shooting it seriously this year in preparation for the bear season. It did me a fine job. I also plan on giving the deer season a try with it this year. It shoots a tight pattern and cleans up without much of a hassle.

    Good luck with your decision

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    You do not need to spend $500 on a Thompson, I have the

    Thompson Center Omega Z5 Rifle – Blue/Black

    You can pick this one up at Cabela’s for $329.99

    I love my Thomposon Omega, they are the best IMHO.

    I would also check with Bills Gun Shop & Range to see what kind of price you could get from them, I am not sure if they carry Muzzleloaders or not but I would assume they do.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    You do not need to spend $500 on a Thompson, I have the

    Thompson Center Omega Z5 Rifle – Blue/Black

    You can pick this one up at Cabela’s for $329.99

    I love my Thomposon Omega, they are the best IMHO.

    I would also check with Bills Gun Shop & Range to see what kind of price you could get from them, I am not sure if they carry Muzzleloaders or not but I would assume they do.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Buster, I got into muzzleloading just last year. I went for CVA’s optima 50 cal. Shoots great at 100 yrds with open sights. Seems to be a good gun for the price, no complaints yet. They come packaged a bit cheesy, in a clear plastic package so inspect the package for damage and you can see the gun through it to check that also. The optima pro with longer barrel might be better if you plan on shooting 150 grains of powder so the powder has sufficient time to burn. Let us know what you choose!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Buster, I got into muzzleloading just last year. I went for CVA’s optima 50 cal. Shoots great at 100 yrds with open sights. Seems to be a good gun for the price, no complaints yet. They come packaged a bit cheesy, in a clear plastic package so inspect the package for damage and you can see the gun through it to check that also. The optima pro with longer barrel might be better if you plan on shooting 150 grains of powder so the powder has sufficient time to burn. Let us know what you choose!

    Posts: 45

    Most of the Muzzleloaders on the market today have Green Mountain barrels. They are good barrels. The big difference is in the trigger and actions. If you get one with a 209 primer it will ignight great. If you can shot well with a very stiff trigger any one that fits you will work well. So0me of them you can get an aftermarket trigger and change the trigger out in the gun and there won’t be a great difference from one to the other. The other thing to concider is the sights. Hope that this will help!

    Posts: 45

    Most of the Muzzleloaders on the market today have Green Mountain barrels. They are good barrels. The big difference is in the trigger and actions. If you get one with a 209 primer it will ignight great. If you can shot well with a very stiff trigger any one that fits you will work well. So0me of them you can get an aftermarket trigger and change the trigger out in the gun and there won’t be a great difference from one to the other. The other thing to concider is the sights. Hope that this will help!

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 139

    I bought a CVA Kodiak Pro in 50 Cal this summer. It’s been shooting great. I’m shooting 100 grain of Triple 7 and a 295 grain Power Belt.

    I think it was around $330.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 139

    I bought a CVA Kodiak Pro in 50 Cal this summer. It’s been shooting great. I’m shooting 100 grain of Triple 7 and a 295 grain Power Belt.

    I think it was around $330.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22920

    I have the T/C Omega also. Shoots great and cleans easy. I also shoot 100 grain 777, and 295 PB. I think I paid $429 @ Gander, for Black & stainless.

    big g

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22920

    I have the T/C Omega also. Shoots great and cleans easy. I also shoot 100 grain 777, and 295 PB. I think I paid $429 @ Gander, for Black & stainless.

    big g

    Posts: 1025

    Well instead of handing out candy I went out and got my own treat. Picked up a T/C Omega Z5! Will not be able to shoot it for couple of weeks but I still got it. Will be a long two weeks

    Posts: 1025

    Well instead of handing out candy I went out and got my own treat. Picked up a T/C Omega Z5! Will not be able to shoot it for couple of weeks but I still got it. Will be a long two weeks

    Posts: 712

    I got one two this spring. I’m using 100 grans of pyro pellets and the PB. Right out of the box it shot high but the right to left was right on. The hole almost toughed with out a scope. I got the up and down dialed in last weekend. I hope to shoot a dear with it this weekend for the MN opener.

    Posts: 712

    I got one two this spring. I’m using 100 grans of pyro pellets and the PB. Right out of the box it shot high but the right to left was right on. The hole almost toughed with out a scope. I got the up and down dialed in last weekend. I hope to shoot a dear with it this weekend for the MN opener.

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    I bought a cva kodiak last year…$250.00 i think is tops on what i paid…i like the “cracker barrel” for easy cleaning…i shoot triple 7 that cleans with easy in my laundry tub with only hot water….the only downfall with the gun is the fiberoptic sights seem a bit cheap..i did look around and most all other brands are the same plastic type sight…the gun shoots great though.

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    I bought a cva kodiak last year…$250.00 i think is tops on what i paid…i like the “cracker barrel” for easy cleaning…i shoot triple 7 that cleans with easy in my laundry tub with only hot water….the only downfall with the gun is the fiberoptic sights seem a bit cheap..i did look around and most all other brands are the same plastic type sight…the gun shoots great though.

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